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Neelson Tiles
Patterns of Porcelain Tiles 30X60cm (12x24) for Home - Neelson Tiles https://www.neelson.in/blog/top-porcelain-tiles-30x60cm-patterns-for-home The last few decades have been absolutely glorious for the tile industry. The advanced technologies have made it possible to widen the product range and improve quality substantially. Along with the design, colors, printing, and quality, we have also introduced several sizes, such as porcelain tiles 30X60cm, 60X60cm, and 60X120cm among others. All of these sizes have their own advantages and are used in specific areas and contexts. In this blog, we will look at 7 porcelain tiles with 30X60cm patterns to help you improve your flooring and walling, and overall theme. You can choose any of these patterns that you feel appropriate for your theme or experiment and select different designs for different rooms or spaces.
Photos of Wall Photos - 24 de julio de 2022 - View Full Size
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