الصورة ٣١٠ من ٣١٨ في صور الحائط

How much does a Chandiagrh-Shimla-Manali trip cost?

The cost of a Chandiagrh, Shimla and Manali trip depends on the duration of the trip, type of accommodation and travelling option you choose. The average budget trip for 4-5 days will be around ₹15,000 to ₹20,000 per person, including travel, accommodation in budget hotels, meals, and local sightseeing. For mid range options for comfortable stays and private transfers can cost you from ₹25,000 to ₹35,000 per person. Luxury package will cost you aaprox ₹40,000 or more depending on the level of comfort and resorts.

Transportation cost through road or train also varies with the package. Most of the tourists opt for a Chandigarh Shimla Manali Tour package which generally encompasses transportation, sightseeing, and accommodation to get a better value for money. It helps to plan well for a trip and hence control expenses in order to enjoy a good time in such scenic hill stations.


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البوم chaman duggal: صور الحائط

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