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Dr waseem  abbas
Best Breast cancer treatment Delhi/india Latest advances in Breast cancer treatment 1. Node preservation reduces lymphedema cases-Can be done by Sentinal lymph node biopsy. 2. Genomic testing minimizes chemotherapy exposure-In detail described below. 3. Better identification of hereditary cancer syndromes. 4. An oral option for targeted therapy. 5. New drug combination makes estrogen-blocking agents more effective. 6. The next generation of monoclonal antibodies. 7. Immunotherapy in Triple negative Breast cancer. Breast cancer is a curable disease in majority of patients. Before describing about treatment of breast cancer we need to not only look at the stage of breast cancer but also at different prognostic and predictive biomarkers. Apart from the stage, these biomarkers tell us about the probability of relapse So, we divide breast cancer according to stage and according to the hormone receptor status and genomics. (By looking at genes we can also say that what kind of genes are driving cancer and how aggressive these genes are). Learn more about Breast cancer treatment Delhi. Read here:
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