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Hyperhidrosis treatment in saket delhi Hyperhidrosis causes your body to sweat more than it needs to, sometimes for no apparent reason. Sweating can be uncomfortable and embarrassing, which is why many people never seek help. Hyperhidrosis treatments (like special antiperspirants and high-tech therapies) offer you options. You can reduce your symptoms and regain control over your life. In hyperhidrosis, your body’s sweat glands overact. This overactivity causes you to sweat a lot, at times and places where other people wouldn’t. Sometimes, a medical condition or emotion (like anxiety) triggers excessive sweating. For many people with hyperhidrosis, controlling symptoms can be a constant challenge.Hyperhidrosis affects people differently. Sweat may: Pool under your arms or around your back. Soak your shirt to the point that you need to change clothes to feel comfortable. Bead on your cheeks or forehead. Dampen or drip down your hands or soak your socks.https://www.maxhealthcare.in/doctor/dr-shaiwal-khandelwal
Photos of Wall Photos - 18 de octubre de 2022 - View Full Size
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