الصورة ٢٥٤ من ٢٥٥ في صور الحائط

What is the Price of Sunflower Acid oil in India?

The price of sunflower fatty acid in India fluctuates based on factors like purity, demand and supplier pricing. As of 2025, prices generally range between ₹75 to ₹200 per kg or ₹1,14,000 to ₹1,50,000 per metric ton depending on quality and bulk purchase. Industries such as soap manufacturing, biodiesel production and animal feed processing drive demand for sunflower acid oil.

Several Sunflower Acid Oil Traders in India supply this product in bulk. For instance, manufacturers in Mumbai and Delhi offer competitive rates, with wholesale pricing often negotiable for large orders. When sourcing sunflower fatty acid it is crucial to check FFA content, moisture levels and packaging options.

For businesses looking to buy in bulk, comparing multiple traders helps in securing the best price and quality. Connect with trusted exporters to ensure compliance with industry standards.


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البوم Sofiya James: صور الحائط

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