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189 de 350
Hemant Chodhury
Best Weekend Destinations in Mathura and Vrindavan Looking for a fantastic weekend escape in Mathura and Vrindavan? These charming towns are perfect for a short getaway. Start your day by visiting the famous Krishna Janmabhoomi Temple in Mathura, where you can soak in the spiritual atmosphere. Then, head to Vrindavan to explore the serene Banke Bihari Temple and immerse yourself in its peaceful vibes. Do not forget to take a leisurely walk along the tranquil Yamuna River Ghats for a relaxing experience. For an easy and convenient trip, consider checking out Mathura Vrindavan Tour Packages. Enjoy a wonderful weekend exploring the rich culture and spirituality of these sacred places. #mathuravrindavan #mathura #traveltoindia #tourpackages #vrindavan
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