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Free Dharamshala in Ayodhya

In Ayodhya, you can find several dharamshalas that offer free or highly affordable accommodation for pilgrims. Popular ones include the Hanuman Garhi Dharamshala, situated near the Hanuman Garhi Temple, known for its basic yet comfortable facilities. The Kanak Bhawan Dharamshala is another popular choice, located near the historic Kanak Bhawan Temple, offering a beautiful environment for devotees.

The Ramanandi Vaishnav Trust Dharamshala also offers free lodging with good amenities, making it a favorite among visitors. The Saryu Kunj Dharamshala, near the Saryu River, offers beautiful views and a quiet stay. These Free Dharamshala in Ayodhya are best choices for your pilgarimage. It is advisable to contact these dharamshalas directly or check local resources upon arrival for availability.

If possible, consider making a small donation to help maintain these places. Always check the amenities and conditions beforehand to ensure a comfortable stay. Talking to other pilgrims and visiting these places in person can also give you the most up to date information.


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البوم Hemant Chodhury: صور الحائط

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