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Dinesh Kumar
5 nights 6 days Shimla Manali Tour Package Looking for an unforgettable getaway amidst the breathtaking landscapes of Shimla and Manali? Our 5-night 6-day Shimla Manali Tour Package promises an enchanting journey through the scenic beauty of the Himalayas. Explore the charming hill stations of Shimla and Manali, known for their historical architecture and panoramic views of the mountains. Take a leisurely walk along the historic Mall Road, visit the iconic Christ Church, and marvel at Chadwick Falls. In Manali, enjoy adventure activities like paragliding, river rafting, and trekking amidst the Himalayas. Explore the ancient Hadimba Temple, soak in the natural hot springs of Vashisht, and wander through Old Manali's vibrant streets. Our 5-night, 6-day Shimla Manali Tour Package offers comfortable accommodation, delicious meals, and expert guidance. Book your trip today for an unforgettable adventure through the heart of the Himalayas. #shimlamanalitourpackage #besttimetovisitshimlamanali #shimlakullumanalitourpackage #5nights6dayspackage
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