الصورة ١٥٥ من ١٨٢ في صور الحائط

How to go Jibhi from Delhi?

The distance between Delhi to Jibhi is approx. 464 km. If you are planning to go by air then the nearest airport for Delhi to Jibhi is Bhuntar Airport, after which it will take around 2hrs to reach Jibhi. Chandigarh railway station is the closest to Jibhi since there are no direct trains from Delhi to Jibhi. You can catch a bus from there, or alternatively, take a Delhi to Himachal Bus directly. A convenient way to travel from Delhi to Jibhi is by using a bus. You can board a bus bound for Manali, then alight at Aut. From there, you can either take a taxi or catch another bus to Banjar. Traveling from Delhi to Jibhi by either car or bus is also a convenient choice. You can expect to spend approximately 10-11 hours.

The same route from Delhi to Tirthan valley is also followed to reach Jibhi. Upon arriving at Jibhi, you have the option to trek to Tirthan valley from there, or you can choose to go directly to Tirthan valley from Aut, which is 30km away. Chandigarh provides access to Jibhi via state buses or rental taxis. Find several ways for how to reach Jibhi with comfortable transportation.


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البوم Dinesh Kumar: صور الحائط

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