الصورة ١ من ١ في صور الحائط

Director: Harry Dignum
Producer: Jayden Robinson, Harry Dignum
Year: 2023
Genres: Short, Comedy
Plot: Harry Dignum and his friends, riding high on the success of their movie "The Otamatone Project," must confront a cult that has formed around their film, while also facing the threat of a dangerous Kraken linked to the famous Otamatone.
Cast: Jayden Robinson, Harry Dignum, John Jovic, Nathan Wightman, Daniel Matthews, Ethan Fowler, Toby Green, Freddie Goodyear, Charlie Pervis, Spencer Digby, Thomas Waring, Lois Aggett
Countries: United Kingdom
Languages: English
Color Info: Color
Original Air Date: 09 April 2023 (UK)
Rating: 9.9 (based on 9 votes)
Also Known As: The Otamatone Project 2: Rise of the Kraken (United Kingdom)
Production Companies: Jayden Tries
Distributors: Otamatone Studios
Box Office: Estimated GBP 120
Certificates: United Kingdom: 15

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