Wisdom tooth hole are meant to grow in the mouth and come into their own around the age of 30. However, due to changes in modern diet and lifestyle habits, more and more people are developing dental problems as they get older, including a serious dental problem called an abscessed wisdom tooth. If you’re wondering how to heal a wisdom tooth abscess naturally, here are some tips that can help make the process easier on you and your body.


Floss Daily


So what if you don’t have much in the way of dental insurance? Flossing is so important that you should still do it. Dental floss has been shown to effectively remove bacteria from between teeth and prevent plaque buildup, two of which are key contributors to tooth decay and gum disease. How long does it take wisdom teeth to heal the American Dental Association recommends using an 18-inch strand of floss once a day, but if your teeth are extra close together or your gums tend to bleed when you brush, try using more than one piece of floss at once. Make sure you avoid waxed floss, though—since its ingredients are petroleum-based they can cause micro-cuts in your gums or lead to tiny pockets between teeth where bacteria can grow.


Watch Your Diet


Although diet won’t cure an abscess, it can support your body in fighting off infections. Try to avoid dairy, sugary foods and acidic fruits and drinks while your teeth are healing. You can also try adding coconut oil or olive oil into your daily routine; its antimicrobial properties may boost your immune system. If you follow these tips and choose natural treatment methods as soon as possible, you can heal quickly and minimize future complications. Natural remedies for tooth abscess home remedy may cost less than medical treatments and provide faster relief for your pain so that you can get back to eating normally again!


Use Home Remedies


As painful as it is, you can help your tooth heal faster by using home remedies. These are all easy treatments that you can do on your own. And, yes, some of them may seem counterintuitive—like rinsing with salt water when a hole in your tooth can lead to infection—but there’s wisdom behind these old wives' tales. Remember: If you have an abscess in your healing wisdom tooth hole and are experiencing pain, see a dentist as soon as possible for treatment because time is of the essence. But here are five ways you can start helping yourself right now


Take Supplements


Find an over-the-counter (OTC) supplement that supports wound healing, such as silica, turmeric, vitamin C, or all three. Silica is especially important because it aids in tissue repair and promotes healthy bone formation. Turmeric's anti-inflammatory properties will help reduce swelling and inflammation surrounding your abscessed tooth; taking turmeric with food may increase its absorption rate by nearly 60 percent. Vitamin C is also essential for healing damaged tissue; you can use citrus fruits for a natural supply of vitamin C (which is easier on your stomach than synthetic vitamin C supplements). Finally, look for toothpastes that contain sodium fluoride—fluoride can reduce inflammation in dental abscesses too!


Over-the-Counter Medications


The fastest way to treat an abscess is with antibiotics, but it’s important to know that they can cause serious side effects. Take care when using any antibiotics and be aware of signs of an allergic reaction, which include rash, hives, swelling of your face or tongue and trouble breathing. If you’re on blood thinners or using anticoagulants for another reason, be sure your doctor knows about it; otherwise you could experience excessive bleeding during treatment. It’s best to stay on antibiotics as long as instructed by your doctor—otherwise there’s a chance that infection could return. After you finish taking them, keep in mind that they may also impact beneficial bacteria in your body while causing some side effects like nausea and diarrhea.


Go for Surgery


Wisdom teeth are prone to becoming impacted, which is when they aren’t properly aligned with your other teeth. This can cause pain or damage other teeth and tissues in your mouth. Sometimes wisdom teeth can be removed through simple methods such as pulling them out or freezing them, but you might need surgery if they cause damage. According to WebMD, surgery is usually recommended for abscesses that do not go away on their own within four weeks of forming. If you choose surgery, make sure you have a thorough discussion with your dentist about whether or not it is right for you.


Soak in the Bathtub


A common wisdom tooth abscess symptom is pain when you put pressure on your chin. You might also feel pain or tenderness in your jaw, face or ear. To relieve these symptoms, soak in a warm bathtub for 10-15 minutes three times a day. This can help relieve some of your pain and swelling from an infected wisdom tooth. It will also reduce any pressure that causes pain and swelling around your mouth and chin