MyWorldGo How to write an interesting essay about yourself

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  • Posted By : Xuthakug Gukahtux
  • Posted On : Apr 22, 2021
  • Views : 219
  • Category : Education
  • Description : This is short guide how to write bibliography essay.
  • Location : London, Великобритания


  • To begin with, I would like to understand that there are many types of essays.

    Essay types:

    Critical essay: A critical essay is a matter of facts or ideas that hold power. This type of essay can deal with historical or literary topics. 

    Philosophical Essay: A philosophical essay, also known as a reflexive essay, is that in it the author develops ethical, moral, or religious topics. 

    Bibliography : Here the author expresses his opinion about himself. 

    Descriptive essay: A descriptive essay is that it deals with scientific subjects, because with the help of a descriptive essay, the author explains new discoveries or subjects of natural or abstract sciences in his own words.   

    Explanatory Essay: This is an essay in which the author summarizes his ideas and explains the subject in his own words.   

    Argumentation essay: This type of essay is used when the author needs to refute a thesis; the text provides various arguments that are used to justify their differences.  

    Scientific essay : A scientific essay consists of the author explaining a scientific topic, revealing it in his own words, as an explanation that must be understood by non-scientifically trained readers.  

    Literary essay : The topics covered by literary essays are of a moral, ethical nature, or relate to a literary work in which the author expresses his point of view on the subject or work on which he is writing.  

    It is the bibliographic essay that interests us in today's article and we will talk about it in detail.

    At first glance, the composition of a bibliographic essay is not a problem. What can be difficult when describing yourself? ? But often when compiling this kind of work, people make mistakes, and an interesting work turns into a dry autobiography , which is difficult to interest the reader . In order to avoid such situations , you need to follow a number of recommendations, and then your essay will not only fully reveal your personality, but also serve as an example for others.   

    Recommendations for writing a story about yourself


    1.         It should assess and understand what you are writing an essay: in the POSSIBILITY, you were asked to write it for study or work. In this case, there are certain rules. You can write them down on a separate sheet to adhere to and not deviate from the requirements.  


    1.         It's always worth thinking about the unique structure of the storytelling. Your essay doesn't have to be "next".
    2.         Be sure to observe literacy, punctuation and logic of presentation. Even writing an essay about yourself for the most insignificant reason does not give you the right to neglect literacy. 


    1.         To complete the composition, select the Main Line, which will be guessed from start to finish. This can be a characteristic of your character, hobbies, personal relationships with friends and family, life events or worldview. 


    1.         Try not to make the story too strict. It is better to use the techniques of the artistic style (metaphors, allegories) and not be limited to dry journalism. 


    1.         Be sure to include interesting or funny nuances in your essay about yourself. Then you can grab the reader's attention for a long time. 


    1.         Make the text as open as possible to your personality. Don't just write about your merits. Try to present your shortcomings so that they do not seem like deviations, but only temporary mistakes that you are trying to correct in the process of self-improvement.  


    1.         Keep intrigue. At first, the reader is interested in you, for example, because you have a new goal or interest in life. But it is not necessary to reveal all the cards in the first paragraph. In the course of the story, give examples from life, describe the development of your character, and only at the end will you be able to fully reveal the idea.   


    1.         Always plan ahead for your future work. If time permits, you can spend a few days to keep all the details of the essay logical and interesting. 


    Practical advice


    1.         Put advice in front of you and try not to be distracted by strange activities.


    1.         Describe the main points of future work: examples from life, memories, goals and interests.


    1.         The plan should include several parts: a record, a main part, and a conclusion. The most extensive should be the main part. It is in it that you fully reveal yourself as a person.  


    1.         Once you've drawn up the outline, re-read it to make sure that all the details of the future essay are in a logical order.


    1.         After writing the story itself, remember it several times. Focus on the general mood first, then check punctuation and last reading for style and spelling. 


    1.         If you are not sure how to choose the right words in order to make your essay look wealthy, you can turn to a free essay writer for advice . It will help you not only optimize your presentation of thoughts, but also teach you how to better select sources of inspiration for your essay topic.

    And remember, the main thing is to describe the most ordinary, from your point of view, events in an unusual way, so that the reader is interested not only in reading about you, but also to get to know you personally. Develop creativity, and you can always appear in front of others with an unusual personality, but never forget the spelling rules. 

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