what is debentures meaning
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Posted By :
Aditya Sahnii
Posted On :
May 06, 2021
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what is debentures meaning
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Hello, my name is Aditya Sahnii and I'm living in India. Do you want to know
what is debentures meaning in accounting?. Debenture literally means a written acknowledgment of a debt. Debentures are fixed-interest rate corporate bonds, but when they are issued by a government is known as an "obligation." In the world of finance, debentures are one type of fixed income instrument. Debentures are longer-term corporate bonds. Like a traditional corporate bond, debentures are a debt security issued by corporations to raise money. Unlike bonds, debentures typically have a maturity of between 2 and 10 years. They also have an interest rate that is usually fixed for their entire term, although they can occasionally be callable.