Myopia is a common sight condition that many people in our modern world struggle with. What’s more, recent years have seen the prevalence of myopia cases increase quite significantly. Today, as professional myopia experts in Calgary, we’re on hand to help you understand what myopia is, what causes it, and why there are more cases of myopia these days than in the past.
What is Myopia?
To start with, we need to define what myopia is. Myopia is a condition that’s commonly called “short-sightedness,” and for a good reason. Myopia means that affected individuals are able to see close-by items with ease and in clear definition, but further objects may be difficult to see properly and will appear blurred. This is due to how myopia sufferers’ eyes are structured.
What Causes Myopia?
Myopia is the result of the eyeball being elongated compared to normal. An elongated eyeball means that light isn’t focused onto the back of the eye, as is expected. Instead, the light is focused further from away the retina.
Hence, this means that objects at a long distance from the individual will appear blurred. However, because objects close by are less far away, light is still focused onto the back of the eye as per normal.
Why Have Myopia Cases Increased?
Myopia is a condition that’s become more common recently, and there are several different reasons for this. Some research indicates that our light exposure is one of the biggest factors increasing short-sightedness in young people and the general population. Other research seems to indicate that the increase in myopia cases could be the result of genetic factors. Indeed, poor eyesight is less of an issue in modern society than it may have been in years gone by.
Get Professional Myopia Support Today
Whatever the case might be, myopia cases have become more common nowadays. Still, there are plenty of options available to correct this. Glasses and corrective lenses are some of the most popular and affordable ways of improving your eyesight if you’ve had myopia. Still, other options include laser eye surgery and contact lenses. To learn more about these different myopia solutions, contact a member of our team today.
We specialize in providing premium quality services for our clients for all of their myopia needs, so let us help you find the right solution today! No matter what you need, we’re on hand to help!