MyWorldGo 4 Critical Elements of a Website That Most Companies Are Not Taking into Account

Blog Information

  • Posted By : Maxine Chapman
  • Posted On : Jul 01, 2021
  • Views : 137
  • Category : General
  • Description : When was the last time you visited a website and left it after only a few seconds? If you are used to doing constant searches on the web, you probably did this several times this morning.
  • Location : United States


  • Highly elaborate and eye-catching websites are key to attracting and retaining visitors, and these days’ entrepreneurs have numerous tools at their disposal for creating impressive sites, sadly all these tools make people lose sight of what is truly matters to users; a website that provides trust, authority and good reputation.

    Buyers want authenticity within business websites, and the most effective way to create authenticity is to demonstrate trust and credibility.

    Here are four key and surprisingly simple elements that most companies are missing:

    1. Contact information

    Buyers want and need to know that the site belongs to a real business, with a real location. Including your physical address with your phone number and email address is one of the best ways to build trust.

    Visitors also have to find your contact information easily. Leave all your important social media links and contact details at the bottom of every page. By creating a separate contact page with amazon ungating service 2020, make it easy to find and navigate.

    2. Information about your company

    Another important factor in building trust and credibility is providing information about yourself, your team, and your company. Spend time developing your company's story and providing your visitors with how you do your work, it's even a good idea to display information on each key team member that includes links to each of their professional websites, such as LinkedIn and Twitter. It would be good if you consider hiring a good photographer to show a professional image of your company.

    Another valuable element in establishing credibility is posting your customer list and testimonials. This may not be possible in many cases and for many reasons, but nothing speaks better of your value and credibility than a long list of satisfied customers.

    3. Appropriate content

    Although social media is key to converting visitors to customers, efforts to create articles and information relevant to users are the most effective methods to give you credibility as an expert in your industry. Write often and leverage customer feedback to create the fresh and relevant content they want.

    4. It should be simple

    Today companies are experimenting with different mobile strategies, especially when the recent Google update indicated that priority in positioning will be given to mobile responsive websites, but they should not forget to adopt an approach that pursues a simple and easy site to navigate.

    When browsing a site through a mobile device, we all expect to have the same experience as from our computer. Easy navigation and simple layouts will go a long way in creating and establishing authenticity to attract and convert visitors.