Pregnancy is a long-lasting memorable experience. When you are pregnant, doctors will keep you updated about the fetus’s development week by week. You will be able to notice the changes inside your pregnant body. Maybe it will be difficult for you in the beginning but after some time you will enjoy this period and will want everything to be ok with you and the baby. And if it is confirmed that you are pregnant with twins, everything will be doubled, your size, your weight, and of course your happiness.
It is mandatory to keep good health during twin pregnancy week by week until your due date of delivery of twin birth. This is the only way to ensure a successful pregnancy. Mothers can do this by eating well and exercising and involving proper nutrients in daily diets. Another important consideration to achieve a healthy pregnancy is regular parental consultation with a professional. As much as you are aware of possible risks, you will be prepared ahead of your pregnancy.
Pregnancy Week By Week Health Tips:
Good Nutrition:
Mother’s proper nourishment is compulsory during
twin pregnancy first trimester as it also plays a major role in proper fetus development. Expectant mothers require dietary reserves in the form of calories, protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, and minerals. The best way to get proper nutrition for the unborn baby and the mother is to add a variety of nutritious food such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, low-fat dairy products, and lean protein. Mothers should also eat vegetables like lettuce that consist of Vitamins and Folic Acids. Both the nutrients can help to prevent neural tube defects. Moreover, it should not be overcooked.
Regular Exercise:
It is considered that exercise can be risky for the baby in the womb. But according to the experts, exercise can benefit a woman during pregnancy. Women can exercise within the boundaries for safety reasons.
Prenatal Consultation:
Make doctor appointments from time to time to avoid twin pregnancy complications. It is necessary even when you are feeling well because different prenatal tests are performed throughout your pregnancy. Some of the tests are optional but can provide you significant knowledge about how well your babies are doing in the womb. Ultrasounds also play a major role in parental care.
Regular prenatal checkups should be performed if you are expecting a
twin baby pregnancy or multiple pregnancies during this period.
Precautions when you have twin babies:
- Do not drink alcohol or too much caffeine.
- Avoid illegal drugs and smoking.
- Keep yourself hydrated by taking plenty of fluids. Experts say take at least eight to ten glasses a day.
- Avoid taking over-the-counter medications or herbal remedies without consulting your doctor.
- Learn relaxation techniques so that you can try them whenever and wherever you want.
- Always wear comfortable shoes and raise your feet multiple times a day to prevent fatigue and edema of the feet, legs, and ankles.
- Be mentally positive as mental health is also important for a healthy and successful pregnancy.
- Get enough sleep, a minimum of eight hours a day. If you are suffering from sleep disturbances, get naps during the day and see your doctor for help.
When you are going to birth twin babies, you need to be more careful the whole pregnancy period to avoid premature delivery and any other complications.