I guess it'll only continue to BNS Revolution gold
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- All this would paint Blade and Soul as yet another'been there done that' Korean MMORPG if it weren't for something: the superb player-versus-player battle that feels more like playing a fighting game than an MMO. It is already a popular esport from the East, and I guess it'll only continue to BNS Revolution gold rise as western opponents join the ranks.
At any moment, you can jump into an arena lobby and get matched against the other player. In these duels the stats of your gear are equalized, making success entirely about raw skill rather than who gets the better gear.
But there is a big issue with the PvP: It can't really be buy Blade and Soul Revolution gold appreciated until you have already pushed through the horribly boring PvE and leveled up your character to the cap. While stadium matches equalize equipment, you will not need access to all of your skills until you have unlocked them via leveling. Early on I was often matched against players 20 levels higher than me, resulting in a huge disadvantage when I hadn't even unlocked my most powerful skills.