The elevator system is an easy to understand concept. The simplest form is to have a vertically moving elevator that serves users on all floors. When the user wishes to take the elevator, they press the button located in the elevator lobby. Factors that control elevator type and design include cost, speed, capacity requirements, safety and reliability. Engineers designing elevators must ensure that elevators operate in a safe manner (to meet all safety and compliance standards). The Escalator Company should communicate the specifications of the elevator to the owner and communicate to the builder the space and support required for the elevator to operate in its intended manner. Architects and builders should communicate with the elevator manufacturer to ensure that the structure is compatible with the elevator.
The elevator system must respond to user requests:
When the user presses the up or down button, the elevator will begin to move towards them.
When the user presses a button to get the floor they want, the elevator will start moving towards that floor.
When the user presses the stop button, the elevator will stop all actions.
When the user presses the door to open or close the button, the door will react when conditions permit.
The elevator control system is responsible for coordinating various aspects of the elevator service, such as driving, speed, acceleration, deceleration, door opening speed and delay, level and hall light signals.
It accepts inputs (such as button signals) and produces outputs (elevator car moves, doors open, etc.).
Simple elevator control system inputs and outputs
Control system goal
The main purpose of the elevator control system is:
Bring the elevator car to the correct floor.
Minimize travel time.
Maximize passenger comfort by providing smooth driving
Acceleration, deceleration and drive within safe speed limits.
security system
The elevator has several redundant safety systems built in to hold it in place.
The first line of defense is the rope system itself. Each elevator rope is made of several steels that are intertwined with each other. With this sturdy construction, the rope can support the weight of the elevator car and the counterweight itself. But the elevator is built with multiple ropes (usually between four and eight). If one of the ropes gets stuck, the rest of the rope will lift the elevator.
The elevator is also equipped with an electromagnetic brake that can be engaged when the car is stopped. The electromagnets actually hold the brakes in the open position instead of closing them. With this design, if the elevator loses power, the brake will automatically clamp.