Blog Information

  • Posted By : Petro Products
  • Posted On : Jul 27, 2021
  • Views : 223
  • Category : General
  • Description : Concrete is an important element used for construction and building. It is used worldwide for constructing roads, buildings, bridges, harbours, and many more.
  • Location : Assam, India


  • Concrete is an important element used for construction and building. It is used worldwide for constructing roads, buildings, bridges, harbours, and many more.  If you are in this industry, you know how important the quality of concrete mixtures is. The quality of the concrete mixture ensures the strength and durability of the construction. Concrete Mixtures are proportions of components including sand, cement, water, and aggregates. The ratios are determined based on the kind of construction. There are standard and nominal mix ratios for different constructions.


    What is a concrete mixture?


    Concrete is the most material used in modern buildings. Concrete Mixtures Distributors Assam are a vital aspect when you work with concrete. Residential and commercial buildings shall fall without the right concrete ratio. The basic ingredients used in concrete are cement, sand, aggregate, and water. Each one serves a basic purpose. The basic purpose of every ingredient is important to know what proportions should be offered in a specific situation.



    Previously, preparing concrete mixtures consumed a lot of time as they were prepared manually. This is the reason they lacked precision. However, with growing advances and demands made in technology, concrete mixtures in small-scale operations are prepared with concrete mixers. These mixtures are devices that can prepare mixtures of different strengths quickly.


    Some mixers can make concrete mixtures to be used in the construction location directly. As per the requirement, there are different types and sizes of concrete mixers available. The small-scale applications use portable concrete mixers. For big applications, concrete plants are constructed at a construction site.


    Kinds of Concrete Mix Ratios


    Previously, the proportions for concrete were specified. The mixes that ensured adequate strength were termed nominal mixes. These mixes are simple and they have a marginal strength under normal situations.


    In many specifications, the compressive strength has been involved. These are known as standard mixes.



    Water proportion in a concrete mixture


    Water proportion cannot be predicted in a concrete mixture. The quantity of water needed depends on the humidity, air temperature, sunlight, and concrete mix ratio. One important thing to remember is that if water quantity is more, the tensile and adhesive strength of the cement is less. If strong adhesion is your priority then there should be minimum water. Naturally, the quality of the supply matters the most in this sector.


    During the first month of the concrete, most of the strength and hydration take place. The perfect concrete mix ratio is an important determining factor in concrete. This is why you have to depend on the supplier and trust what they recommend. Procure all your concrete mixture requirements from reputed suppliers like BITUMIX INDIA LLP having the best products and state-of-the-art quality checking procedure.