MyWorldGo TBCC Enhancement Shaman DPS Best in Slot Phase 2 Gear

Blog Information

  • Posted By : Dhaval DZ
  • Posted On : Aug 25, 2021
  • Views : 186
  • Category : Travel
  • Description : Welcome to Wowhead's Best in Slot Gear list for Enhancement Shaman DPS from Tempest Keep and Serpentshrine Cavern in The Burning Crusade Classic, which includes items from both locations


  • Welcome to Wowhead's Best in Slot Gear list for Enhancement Shaman DPS from Tempest Keep and Serpentshrine Cavern in The Burning Crusade Classic, which includes items from both locations. This guide will list the recommended gear for Enhancement Shaman DPS to acquire as they progress through the second phase of The Burning Crusade Classic. This includes gear sourced from Tempest Keep and Serpentshrine Cavern, as well as gear sourced from previous phases such as Karazhan, Gruul's Lair, Magtheridon's Lair, heroic dungeons, early PvP grinding, professions, BoE World Drops, and reputations.

    We have compiled a variety of best in slot lists, including a TBCC pre-patch list and a pre-raid list, which contains gear that can be obtained without participating in any raid content.

    Enhancement Shaman DPS Best in Slot HubEnhancement Shaman DPS Pre-Raid Best in Slot

    Best In-Slot Equipment for EnhancementShaman DPS in Phase 2 of the game
    In Phase 2, there are a couple of different gear setups that are particularly good. Most slots still have only one best item, but a few have alternatives that won't have a significant impact on your throughput. Ideally, you will want to use four pieces of Tier 5 gear in order to benefit from the powerful 4-piece set bonus, as well as the best WOW gold classic off-set gear available. Using any of the other options listed below is acceptable because there are multiple pieces with very similar stats, but the 4-set bonus is well worth pursuing. Orcs can gain a great deal from obtaining the Merciless Gladiator's Cleaver, which is also one of the best weapons available.


    As a result, participating in Arena PvP is extremely beneficial for obtaining gladiator weapons. It is also worth noting that Gladiator's Cleaver will now be available without a rating requirement and for a discounted Arena point cost, making it much more accessible in general.

    The following is an example set of gear that includes the best pieces available for each slot as well as a near-perfect 5% hit cap:

    Aldor vs. Scryer for Enhancement Shaman DPS in Phase 2
    Shamans can choose from either The Aldor or The Scryers without suffering any significant consequences. When considering your full set of stat bonuses, the Aldor shoulder enchant is marginally superior to the Scryers shoulder enchant. In general, it is best to choose a faction based on which faction's reputation materials are less expensive to purchase. For example, Aldor's reputation materials can be extremely expensive due to the fact that it has the favored shoulder enchant for the majority of specializations.
    Aldor provides a shoulder enchant that is only marginally better than the competition for DPS.
    Scryers provide a passable Flametongue off-hand in Retainer's Blade as well as passable legs in Retainer's Leggings, but neither of these items is worth going Scryer for.
    Scryers are typically the less popular faction, resulting in their reputation turn-in items being significantly less expensive than Aldor equivalents.
    Badges of Justice for Enhancement Shaman DPS in Phase 2
    Bloodlust Brooch, the melee trinket, is the best item you can get as a Badge of Justice reward, and you should aim to get it as soon as possible because it is the only item that will replace it later on. In Choker of Vile Intent, you can also obtain a stunning neck ornament.

    All other rewards are optional, as there are better alternatives available from raids and heroics. However, almost all Badge gear is very close WOW TBC classic gold to the best options available, so you can use Badge gear to fill in any slots you were unlucky with! Please see the following section for examples of good gear that you can purchase with Badges.


    Meta sockets are only found on head slot pieces and only accept meta gems (instead of regular gems). Only one meta socket can be found in any given piece, and many pieces do not come with a meta socket at all.

    Relentless Earthstorm Diamond is the best meta gem, and it scales well with the rest of your gear because it acts as a multiplier on your damage output. Cataclysm Helm is the best Phase 2 helmet available, boasting excellent stats as well as a meta socket that allows you to use Relentless Earthstorm Diamond. Surestrike Goggles v2.0 are also excellent, but they do not count towards a set bonus.

    Alternatively, you can use Cyclone Helm, which is the strongest helm for a physical damage party due to the Tier 4 2-piece set bonus until you obtain the Tier 5 4-piece bonus, which provides a significant damage increase.