MyWorldGo How Book Reviews Can Power eBook Marketing

Blog Information

  • Posted By : Smith publicity
  • Posted On : Sep 26, 2021
  • Views : 170
  • Category : General
  • Location : Cherry Hill, NJ 08003, United States


  • Let's face it, today, there is competition for newly published eBooks like never before, and to spark sales there needs to be a buzz to help people hear about them. As book publicists will tell you, reviews are one way to get out the word. They're helpful when combined with a well-rounded marketing and publicity campaign that includes social media marketing, traditional book PR (media outreach), and direct marketing by email. Many people who are avid readers and book buyers are influenced by reviews and keep an eye out for the books mentioned in them – therefore, you want to be reviewed.

    More than a few book buyers will seek out reviews of titles they're considering ordering. With the easy search capabilities on the internet, they may read several reviewers' thoughts before deciding to buy. If you want your eBook to succeed, having it reviewed in multiple places will be an asset. Reviews also become content for other book marketing activities. For example, quotes from them can be included in pitch materials used with the media. It's also helpful to include links to your book reviews on your author's website. Many people considering buying your book are likely to check out your site.

    Today most media are consumed online, increasingly from smartphones; but, traditional media coverage (newspapers, magazines, etc.) is still potent because most are now "blended," which means they also have websites for their readers. Therefore, a traditional media story or review ends up online immediately, where it is shared and viewed by many over a substantial amount of time. If your book fits the genres in which they have interest, video book reviews also have the power to attract readers. Video sharing platforms each have active rosters of book reviewers who have surprisingly large followings.

    Mapping out a review outreach strategy as part of your book marketing planning is essential. Given the competition today, you'll need exposure in many areas, and one tactic shouldn't come at the expense of another. It may be fun to read about people claiming to have sold thousands of books with little more than social media exposure, but always be suspicious about those claims. Becoming successful isn't easy, and there are rarely shortcuts. You'll see good results in the form of book sales when you're thorough in your approach and try all promotional avenues, reviews included. Your book must be marketed well.