Blog Information

  • Posted By : Deadhead Chemist
  • Posted On : Oct 14, 2021
  • Views : 183
  • Category : General
  • Description : The term altered state of consciousness is a common element of Buddhist practice. In meditation, it is an endgame, a state towards which the monk tries to attain via deep focus and meditation. It is also achievable in the case of substance use. It is also relevant in the circumstances of exercises. There are physical activities that are not just capable of training the body, they train the mind too. Certain movements can very well lead to deep modifications to one’s mental consciousness. Dancing, jogging, and martial arts are all capable of inspiring a changed mental state.
  • Location : Canada


  • The term altered state of consciousness is a common element of Buddhist practice. In meditation, it is an endgame, a state towards which the monk tries to attain via deep focus and meditation. It is also achievable in the case of substance use. It is also relevant in the circumstances of exercises. There are physical activities that are not just capable of training the body, they train the mind too. Certain movements can very well lead to deep modifications to one’s mental consciousness. Dancing, jogging, and martial arts are all capable of inspiring a changed mental state.

    It is normal to wonder if there is anything desirable about inducing changes to consciousness via participation in exercises. What often succeeds a long period of exercise is the tense pain rippling off the bodily muscles and this is often a part of the altered state. Gymnasts often enjoy several altered states such as the runner’s high, the flow of dancing, or the zone. These often lead to an increase in the desire to exercise and ultimately a boost to psychological wellbeing.

    Mind you these are not restricted to top athletes alone, anyone who is capable of exercising

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