Do you want to know what the best New World fire staff builds are for both PvP and PvE? After spending some time with the new MMO game, we've come to the conclusion that magic weapons such as the fire staff are among the best New World weapons available in the game right now. It's an excellent choice for those who want to deal a significant amount of damage in the DPS role.
Weapons that share a common attribute work particularly well together. You'd expect magic weapons such as fire staves and ice gauntlets to work well together, and they do. However, there are a few other weapons that work well together when constructed correctly, buy New World coins so there are more viable options than you might expect.
Fire staves are, of course, not the only weapons available in New World. We have guides for the best New World tank build, which utilizes the sword and shield, the best New World rapier build, and the best New World hatchet build, new world coins if you prefer to spec into a more melee-focused DPS build. This guide will cover both the best fire staff PvP build and the best fire staff PvE build.
The best PvP build for PvP is the fire staff and rapier. The fire staff is primarily used as a ranged attack or as a last-ditch effort to get out of danger, while the rapier is your primary weapon for dealing damage.
We recommend raising the constitution to at least 50 before increasing intelligence past 100, and concentrating on the constitution once intelligence has reached its maximum level. You should also wear light armor to keep your equipment load as light as possible in order to avoid enemy attacks. We created the build graphics with the help of the New World fans build tool in order to give you a visual representation of the skills you can level up into.
Evade – this skill elevates the rapier to the top of the list of best weapons in the game because light attacks are now even faster, and you gain additional benefits to movement, stamina recovery, and light attack power from the passives.
Flurry – if you're good at dodging, this skill can be a good way to deal a lot of damage to an opponent while their stamina is low or they're out of mana.
Fleche – use this to close the distance quickly and deal a large amount of damage to a weakened opponent. Fleche's cooldown is reduced by 80% when an enemy is killed while you have the passive Quick Lunge ability.
You want to maximize your intelligence because both of your weapons rely on this stat as their primary attribute. Instead, you could choose to place the majority of your attribute points in intelligence and the remainder in the constitution to gain a little more health. Light armour should be worn to allow you to dodge powerful enemy attacks with relative ease.