MyWorldGo Blizzard is wow classic gold implementing something

Blog Information

  • Posted By : yuhan chen
  • Posted On : Oct 22, 2019
  • Views : 287
  • Category : Travel
  • Description : Blizzard is wow classic gold implementing something
  • Location : USA


  • So instead of sharding, Blizzard is wow classic gold implementing something called"Layering." Rather than having everybody evaporating about you and sharding predicated on zone changes, the entire continent will basically be a layer (or even shard), also there will be multiple layers per realm at any given time.

    This allows the realm to hold more than the limit, but could potentially allow for 6,000, kingdom pops. If you're on a layer you will see all those 3,000 players at all times plus they won't stage away from you, but if you logout and log back in there is a good chance you won't even be assigned that previous layer so you'll see 3,000 fresh players.Unfortunately the layers are assigned randomly on log-in, and if you wish to play on the same layer as a friend or someone, you want to invite them to a party and they will stage into your coating.

    One streamer said they requested a dev:"Imagine if my guild on Alliance wants to raid the opposing Horde guild in buy gold wow classic eu their realm as they're on their way to BRS?" The dev replied with:"Unfortunately there's a possibility you won't see them since they'll be to a different layer than you."

    They guaranteed that layering would be 100% gone before Stage 2 begins, but what's your take on this? I know sharding/layering is probably vital to have WoW Classic at a working state upon release but it also seems like it has already pissing a lot of people off. Not my words, from a forum that is warcraft.