New World Players Will Be Compensated In The 1.0.4 Update
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Claus Oliver
Posted On :
Oct 29, 2021
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The 1.0.4 update of New World not only solves the loopholes in the game, but also brings some compensation to the players.

New World has been released for a month, and this month we have some loopholes in this game. Many players have given feedback in the New World community, and Amazon has changed it since then. Yesterday, there was an update in New World. This update not only solved some problems in the game but also brought some compensation for everyone.
Although not a major patch in itself, New World was updated to version 1.0.4 yesterday, clearly resolving some recurring issues. First, Outpost Rush will be re-enabled everywhere except Central Europe, and the region will be updated tomorrow. At the same time, Amazon reimplemented server transfers after being disabled due to a gold replication failure. However, the general change is where things get more interesting.
New World players are distributed in four different locations when launching a new character on any server, so Amazon will use Everfall as a starting point to reduce confusion and make it easier for players to connect with friends. More importantly, the company admitted that the UI description for home sales and taxes was incorrect, resolved the issue, and refunded 2,000 gold to all affected players. This is especially useful for those who have to pay the full amount instead of the amount displayed in the user interface at the time of purchase. This is because getting large amounts of gold is not so easy in the New World.
Some players claim that there is little compensation, as taxes can be high, depending on the economics of each server and the assets of the territory. However, this update makes minor changes to important staff passives and increases the faction cap at each level by 50%, which could significantly improve the experience to save better equipment.
The New World economy is currently very difficult to rebalance, but we hope that 2,000 gold per affected player will help. The situation is so bad that some New World players, depending on their luck, turn their servers into casinos and bet large amounts of money to increase or decrease their money.