MyWorldGo After a lengthy wait in line the New World review was a resounding failure

Blog Information

  • Posted By : Hilary Gibson
  • Posted On : Nov 16, 2021
  • Views : 106
  • Category : Cars
  • Description : When it comes to failure, Amazon's entry into the video game industry may go down in history as one of the worst game launches ever, possibly surpassing CD PROJEKT's botched Cyberpunk 2077 launch in terms of miscalculation




    When it comes to failure, Amazon's entry into the video game industry may go down in history as one of the worst game launches ever, possibly surpassing CD PROJEKT's botched Cyberpunk 2077 launch in terms of miscalculation. Many eager players were forced to wait in seemingly endless queues after the highly anticipated (and long-anticipated) release of the buy new world gold MMO. As a result, thousands of players were unable to participate in the game.



    Following what can only be described as a complete and utter disaster, thousands of dissatisfied gamers deluged the NW coins Steam page with a slew of negative reviews (as well as memes). Several players have inquired as to what is causing the lengthy queue times in the first place, and what players have to say about it.



    Additionally, Amazon has suffocated its own game servers by limiting the number of available server slots to only 2000 users, resulting in a bottleneck in the system. Potato servers are used by a company with a market capitalization of 1.7 trillion dollars. The company immediately refunded a Steam user who complained about their time being wasted, according to a user's review. According to another user, they are the largest server hosting company in the world, with a capacity of 2000 servers. Other prospective New World players were perplexed as to how Amazon, widely regarded as the world's leader in cloud computing, could have failed to allocate sufficient server capacity for their own game, which was hosted on Amazon's servers.

    Depending on whether or not EA had developed new NW for sale, the launch could have gone very differently. However, they are unable to provide enough server capacity for the launch of their flagship game. A customer expressed his dissatisfaction with the product in a product review. cheap NW coins players who have managed to make it through the queue and into the game have reported intermittent connectivity issues, which have resulted in them being disconnected from the game (and subsequently rejoining the queue).

    According to a Steam user, the following actions could have prevented Amazon from experiencing this catastrophe:In a statement issued on the 28th of September at 15:09 BST, Amazon confirmed that they are aware of the server issues and that they are working to resolve them. The statement was issued through the official New World Twitter page.

    For the time being at least, it's fair to say that Amazon's New World hasn't proven to be an abject failure. The fact that the servers are constantly full and that nearly one million concurrent Steam players are present is an indication of a game's success. Sadly, the game's mechanical aspects are severely lacking, which detracts from the overall experience. Due to a lack of meaningful quest content, combat that isn't enjoyable for more than half of the game, and an apparent lack of endgame content, it may be worth skipping over until a few content updates or expansions are released. More importantly, if the most enjoyable aspect of your game is picking flowers rather than slaying beasts or completing quests, it's possible that some aspects of the game need to be re-worked.