When we think about metal roofing, we frequently think about how much Metal roof shingles weighs. When comparing metal roofing to asphalt shingles, this is the weight of metal roofing per square foot.
Before we can talk about how much metal roofing actually weighs, it's important to dispel a common misconception about the material's composition. One of the most frequently cited drawbacks of metal roofing is that it frequently weighs significantly more than standard asphalt shingle roofing. In fact, depending on the type of metal used, metal roofing materials can be as much as 50% lighter than other types of roofing materials in some cases.
Residential metal roofs become very affordable as a result of the fact that these are amounts that the average home is capable of withstanding.
You can contact American Metal Roofs of Northern Wisconsin if you have any further questions about the weight of metal roofs or about any other characteristics associated with metal roofing. Our highly skilled and knowledgeable roofing contractors in Appleton, Wisconsin, will provide you with all of the information you require in order to make the best decision possible. To ensure that you always know what to expect, we'll walk you through the entire process of purchasing and installing a metal roof with you.