The birth of popular gameplay is good for every game developer. If someone can bring an additional 20 million players to a brand new popular gameplay, the entire game industry will benefit.In path of exile, poe currency is the only POE Currency in circulation, with more POE Orbs, POE Items can save you a lot of time.
Nowadays, games are gradually transitioning to cross-platform online, focusing on interaction with community players. path of exile 2 is very willing to do this if it supports cross-platform online. However, there are still some problems across platforms, such as how to update content on different platforms at the same time. Despite some difficulties, we are still optimistic that we can find a solution in 2020.
As a free game that includes micro-transactions, many players feel that The path of exile is a model in free games. How to prevent the micro-transaction system from affecting the game balance?
Everyone knows that the game concept of the path of exile is that it does not allow microtransactions to affect the game system. In this way, there will not be any consideration related to game design, so the game development team does not need to consider the business model of game profit, but only needs to focus on making the game fun.
For this reason, the sneak attack only sells micro-transaction items that allow players to dress up the character's appearance, and provides some convenient storage space.Players who Buy POE Currency and other goods on PoEcurrency can enjoy a 6% off with the discount code "XMAS", as of January 5.
The mobile R & D team spends a lot of time chatting with players on mobile phone projects and soliciting feedback when players complete the game. This has generated a lot of feedback on the current version, and the R & D team is still processing the feedback and making changes as a result. We haven't announced how the player will get the next iteration, but their feedback is very important to our process, so we will do more game testing in the community.
If the mobile version of path of exile is a good game for players, we will release it. So far, it looks promising, but there is no hard requirement for revenue from mobile projects in our financial plan, so we can spend time and make sure it is what we need before we launch.