MyWorldGo What Does it Mean to Be Asexual?

Blog Information

  • Posted By : Emily Clarke
  • Posted On : Mar 02, 2022
  • Views : 213
  • Category : General
  • Description : Asexuality is a sexual orientation in which someone experiences little to no sexual attraction or desire. Within the context of this broad definition, some people interpret what it means to be asexual slightly differently. For instance, some asexual people in the ace community may express little to no sexual attraction toward other people, while other asexuals may express little to no interest in sexual activity.


  • Asexuality is a sexual orientation in which someone experiences little to no sexual attraction or desire. Within the context of this broad definition, some people interpret what it means to be asexual slightly differently. For instance, some asexual people in the ace community may express little to no sexual attraction toward other people, while other asexuals may express little to no interest in sexual activity. For more information about the ace community, visit the website.

    Asexual vs. Other Non-tradition Sexualities


    Being asexual differs from being aromantic in that asexuality specifically relates to sexual attraction or desire, whereas being aromantic relates to romantic partnership or romantic behavior and activity.


    A demisexual person can develop sexual attraction and desire for a person after getting to know the person and developing an emotional connection with the person first. An asexual person will not develop a sexual attraction or desire for a person even after getting to know the person and developing an emotional connection with the person.


    People identify with this term if they sometimes feel asexual and other times feel sexual. Different possible gradations of graysexuality include:

    • Ambivalent
    • Favorable or interested
    • Neutral or indifferent
    • Repulsed

    Do Asexuals Fall in Love?

    A common misconception about asexual people is that they either can't, don't or won't fall in love, but none of these are the case. Asexual people can and do fall in love. They simply do not choose to include sex in that relationship.

    Can You Turn Asexual?

    There is still insufficient research into what makes anyone the sexuality they are, even heterosexual, let alone whether a person's sexuality comes inherent with birth or can change throughout a person's life. There is plenty of anecdotal evidence supporting all sides of the discussion. The important question is less about what is so scientifically and more about how you feel inside at any given moment. If you feel like part of the ace community, then you are. If not, then you're not.

    Does Having No Sex Drive Mean You're Asexual?

    You can have a low libido and still be sexual. The question is whether this lack of sexual desire or attraction is a part of your identity or a challenge you are currently dealing with.

    Read a similar article about bisexual organizations here at this page.