When you are buying your home with your hard-earned money or through a bank loan, you are under a lot of pressure and today, in a competitive real estate market, there is always this temptation to act quickly when you are able to locate that perfect home. Sadly, scam artists will often take advantage of this. But fortunately, there are ways through which you can avoid it, like when you ask the person to show you house listings as proof. If you are someone who is desperately finding reliable realtor listings in Annapolis Valley then make sure that you connect with a well-known realtor today, coming with a plethora of real estate knowledge!
But before you get to know how to avoid those scams, you need to understand what a real estate scam is.
When scammers use real estate as a cover to steal your money, real estate fraud happens. Real estate scams take place in various ways and some of the most common and much-heard about ones are mortgage scams. Reports show that more than 13,600 people fell prey to real estate scammers in 2020.
As many scammers nowadays make use of advanced technology to interact digitally with their victims, it can be difficult to know whether you are really communicating with an experienced realtor or someone who is pulling off an act. Make sure that you stay vigilant about protecting your personal information and bank account details. Remember these points mentioned below.
Never ever give your personal or financial information to someone whom you don’t trust. Don’t provide financial information through website links or emails.
Only work with licensed and experienced real estate agents always and make sure that you check their site thoroughly. If someone calls you out of the blue, making any kind of offer then see to it that you verify their given identity.
If you are already in the process of buying a new home and you are suddenly informed of some last-minute changes then take time to verify whether it’s real or you are simply being cheated.
Lastly, never ever pay for a service to your home, particularly if the person pressurizes you.
Wondering from where to check trustworthy real estate property listings? Reach out to a prestigious realtor in Nova Scotia now!
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