MyWorldGo What Can Cause Hearing Loss?

Blog Information

  • Publicado por : Attunehearing Attunehearing
  • Publicado en : Mar 09, 2022
  • Puntos de vista : 195
  • Categoría: Tecnología
  • Descripción: As people grow older, their hearing deteriorates. Hearing loss is one of the unfortunate side effects of old age. Sometimes, the causes of hearing loss may be detectable right away. For example, if you are suddenly entirely deaf in your left ear, you might assume that you have suffered sudden hearing loss.

Visión de conjunto

  • Many factors can cause hearing loss, each having a different treatment. It is important to know why you are experiencing hearing loss to receive the best possible care and advice.




    Cause of hearing loss

    • Age

    As people grow older, their hearing deteriorates. Hearing loss is one of the unfortunate side effects of old age. Sometimes, the causes of hearing loss may be detectable right away. For example, if you are suddenly entirely deaf in your left ear, you might assume that you have suffered sudden hearing loss.


    Many individuals become aware they suffer from hearing loss when it is too late to do anything about it. Sometimes, there may be no apparent cause or explanation for why a person begins hearing things differently. Many people who suffer from hearing impairments claim that the change just comes on gradually, and they don't notice how much their auditory abilities have diminished until it's too late.


    • Infection

    Fungal infections can cause acute hearing loss and ear problems. Deep cavities in the middle ear (eustachian tube) are commonly caused by bacterial infections, eustachian tube dysfunction, or viral infections that affect the middle ear. Individuals with chronic candidiasis, such as yeast throat infections, have a very high risk of developing chronic otitis media and cavity formation in the middle ear. Fungal infections can also affect the brain and cause meningitis or brain abscesses.


    Other causes of hearing loss include;

    • Nerve damage due to trauma, flu and other viruses
    • Prolonged exposure to loud noise
    • Genetic background
    • Medical conditions
    • Inner ear issues and diseases, such as tinnitus and otosclerosis


    Attune Hearing clinics provide medical hearing services, including hearing tests. If you think you have hearing loss, contact Attune to book an appointment or visit their website for more details. They also offer custom earplugs that will help protect your ears.