MyWorldGo Best School in Dwarka Sector 19

Blog Information

  • Posted By : Mount Litera
  • Posted On : Mar 14, 2022
  • Views : 125
  • Category : General
  • Description : Best School in Dwarka Sector 19


  • Why our School is best?

    Our students will role model these values. We firmly believe that values can not be taught in a classroom and that’s why we promote an ecosystem that sustains and nurtures these values. Integrity: Integrity does not only mean being honest. Integrity means being true to oneself and acting in respect of values that one holds. Integrity is displayed in how teachers and students share information, plan and work on assignments, and how the school system handles commitments and decisions. Open Mindedness: To have an open mind means to be willing to consider or receive new ideas and people with different outlook. It means being flexible, adaptive, and accepting the fact that ‘others could be right with their differences too’. This value encourages people to seek to understand before expecting to be understood. Cultivating an open mind is another valuable outcome of critical thinking and reasoning; an open mind helps us expand our horizons and be more diverse and inclusive. Authenticity: It is the alignment of head, mouth, heart, and hands – thinking, saying, feeling, and doing the same thing consistently. This builds trust and sense of cooperation. Humility: The very basic requirement in a leader because people feel comfortable around a person who pays attention to them and is considerate. Respecting others brings it around to oneself too. Such a person is happier and has more friends. This helps relate to others and their situations and thus deal with them better.

     Growth Mindset: Students with a growth mindset believe that their intelligence can be developed over time through their own effort. They know that while not everyone has the same kind of intelligence, everyone can learn and improve. The growth mindset helps children focus on their efforts. They are free to concentrate on becoming smarter rather than looking smart.

    Compassion: Inculcating compassion can make our students aware of the world around them and it teaches tolerance towards different cultures and personalities. This enables children to be more sensitive and caring, that in turn leads to better relationships with others as they grow into adulthood.