MyWorldGo How to measure employee engagement?

Blog Information

  • Posted By : Keshav Encon
  • Posted On : Apr 21, 2022
  • Views : 230
  • Category : General
  • Description : 4.- Empowerment: Giving employees the freedom to make decisions, lead a project or have more active leadership roles, can show us how seriously they take these roles, and even motivate them to put more of themselves in each project, generate a genuine interest in things going well.
  • Location : Vadodara, Gujarat, India


  • The involvement of employees with their company is usually confused with commitment or participation, when these are rather part of this concept that implies a personal approach between the collaborator, the company and the tasks that both perform, it is that is, participate in a more active way and not just limit yourself to fulfilling obligations or assigned tasks. Measuring the involvement of our collaborators can allow us to optimize certain aspects of the operation, knowing what we have done correctly and what we can improve. Often, there are those who try to measure this aspect quantitatively, for us it is something more qualitative, focused on the human side., so today we will share some points that will help us measure the level of employee engagement.

    1.- Tests of satisfaction: In general, a worker who is satisfied with his work gets involved and makes sure to stay in that state. It is also worth mentioning that an employee can become satisfied with poor performance, which would imply a certain degree of indifference, that is why, by carrying out tests, we can find out who tries more, who is satisfied with little, who is not satisfied at all and seeks to improve, or if that nonconformity makes him lose interest.

    2.- Performance Evaluations: In most cases, performance tests tell us who has shown poor performance, this can cause two things, the one who has not met makes more effort to reach the goal and even exceeds it (gets involved), if he improves just to comply or worse, he doesn't raise his level.

    3.- Commitment: Often, an involved employee sets himself commitments, that is, his self-conviction motivates him. Certain self-imposed commitments can be established to see how much a collaborator demands of himself, which leads to the next point.

    4.- Empowerment: Giving employees the freedom to make decisions, lead a project or have more active leadership roles, can show us how seriously they take these roles, and even motivate them to put more of themselves in each project, generate a genuine interest in things going well.

    Although most of these points are similar, it is due to the correlation that exists between them, where each concept gives rise to the next, being characteristics that with their measurement we can determine if our employees get involved or not, at what level they do it. and of course, prosecute them to achieve it for the good of the company and the result of the different projects.

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