Understanding residential addiction treatment
Residential addiction treatment is a type of treatment that requires a substance abuse patient to live full-time in a treatment facility for the duration of the treatment. It begins once the patient is no longer in immediate medical danger, their body has detoxified from the substance to which they are addicted, and specialized addiction professionals have developed a treatment plan tailored to their specific needs.
Residential addiction treatments are intended to promote the health, wellness, and recovery of substance abuse patients in an environment that appeals to their senses and spirit. Living in a residential addiction treatment facility full-time allows the addiction patient to concentrate on recovery while benefiting from intensive therapy.
What makes a residential addiction treatment good?
A good residential addiction treatment program will work with the patient to identify and address the physical and psychological issues that have arisen as a result of their drug and sedatives addiction. They will also broaden their collaborative approach to dealing with the consequences of discontinuing the use of the substance in question.
Patients enrolled in a residential addiction treatment program are typically provided with the highest level of evidence-based care. The therapists who work in the facilities address the patients' physical, psychological, and spiritual needs using a combination of trusted and clinically proven therapies.
Case managers and discharge planners work with addiction patients to maintain stability in their personal and financial lives while undergoing treatment as part of the teams in residential addiction treatment facilities.
Advantages of a residential addiction treatment
Residential addiction treatment, as one of the core components of a comprehensive addiction recovery program, paves the way for successful recovery by providing the patient with the following benefits:
Patients are constantly monitored by attendant nurses, health technology, and other trained professionals. This ensures their comfort and safety during the critical stages of their addiction recovery.
Many addicts seek treatment after experiencing physical, mental, and emotional distress. Residential substance abuse treatment programs provide them with a healing environment. The new surroundings usually replace the chaos that the patients had become accustomed to with serenity and stability. The counseling provided in residential addiction treatment facilities, which includes nutritional counseling, fitness therapy, and comfortable accommodations, usually nurtures the patients' bodies and spirits.
At residential addiction treatment facilities, highly qualified and experienced professionals who are committed to empowering patients in their recovery journeys usually surround patients. Patients too form meaningful and healthy friendships with their peers as well. Because they have similar goals and challenges, the patients encourage one another throughout their recovery journey.
Patients benefit from a combination of progressive pharmacotherapy and residential addiction treatment. Medication-assisted treatment is commonly used to supplement the intensive cognitive-behavioral therapy provided to patients in residential addiction treatment. The environment in residential addiction treatment facilities facilitates a careful assessment of patients to determine whether they would benefit from pharmaceutical treatments for addiction, depression, anxiety, or other complex conditions. Staff at residential addiction treatment facilities can manage medication effectiveness, encourage compliance, and adjust dosages because they work closely with resident patients.
Addiction recovery professionals at residential addiction treatment Los Angeles correctly observe that the work of addiction recovery can be intense and harmful to the addiction patient. Residential addiction recovery is beneficial because it allows patients to leave their stresses and obligations behind and focus solely on therapy. This break from their daily lives is an important part of many addiction patients' recovery.
The therapies commonly found in residential addiction treatment
Detoxification is usually the first step in residential addiction treatment. Once this is completed and the patient is medically stable, they are transferred to a residential addiction treatment program. The following therapies are typically included in the program:
Evidence-based modalities such as cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavior therapy are used in residential addiction treatment facilities to help patients learn how to cope with stress, regulate their emotions, and manage their anger. Patients are given the opportunity to practice their coping skills with their peers in group therapy.
Residential addiction treatment incorporates a wide range of integrated treatment therapies, including the use of prescription medications to help patients overcome addiction. Among the medications are those that help to alleviate withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings for the substances abused.
Good nutrition is prioritized as the foundation for good health in residential addiction treatment. They emphasize the importance of balanced diets in restoring physical energy and mental clarity.
Many people in addiction recovery struggle to find enjoyment in sober activities. Residential addiction treatment can help in this area by providing patients with experiential therapies that allow them to rediscover the joys of self-esteem, movement, and creativity. Patients find healthy outlets for painful emotions through activities such as exercise, recreational therapy, music, art, and dance.
Residential addiction treatment Southern California professionals have confirmed that addiction can leave a trail of devastation in its wake. They argue that people in recovery from substance abuse need training in practical skills like money management and job hunting. Residential addiction treatment programs incorporate life skills into recovery programs to assist addiction patients in reclaiming their lives.
Relapse is very common in addiction recovery. According to alcohol addiction treatment Los Angeles professionals, 40 to 60 percent of patients pursuing addiction recovery relapse after leaving rehab. Residential addiction treatment programs design and implement informed relapse prevention strategies that prepare the patient to deal with the triggers and stresses that cause relapses. They teach patients to build support networks and get in touch with their treatment teams if a relapse occurs.
How do I get an alcohol addiction treatment near me?
If you need assistance finding a good residential addiction treatment facility near you, please contact Restore Health & Wellness Center at (818) 722-9019 or click here to request a callback.