Brain and spine specialist in hauzkhas
Your nervous system affects the way you think, speak and move. There are many types of neurosurgery, and each is complex and delicate. Our neurosurgery team specializes in a variety of techniques aimed at the most positive outcomes and smoothest recoveries possible.
Brain and spine specialist in hauzkhas
Many conditions are treated with brain surgery. The most common include:
Brain and spine specialist in hauzkhas
Brain and spine specialist in hauzkhas
Deep brain stimulation is a treatment for movement disorders, tremors, epilepsy and chronic pain. This surgery attempts to relieve symptoms and restores proper nervous system function.
Brain and spine specialist in hauzkhas
Brain and spine specialist in hauzkhas
During this procedure, electrodes are implanted in the brain and attached under the skin to a neurostimulator placed in your chest. Similar to a pacemaker, the neurostimulator sends electrical pulses to the brain to block pain and tremor-causing signals.
Brain and spine specialist in hauzkhas
Surgery can help relieve pain when non-invasive treatments aren’t enough. Your procedure will depend on the severity and cause of pain, your overall health and your post-surgery goals.
Brain and spine specialist in hauzkhas
When the cervical disc herniates, the pressure placed on the cervical spine can cause pain and discomfort. If medication or physical therapies don’t relieve symptoms, your neurologist may recommend a discectomy, a procedure to remove the damaged disc, or a laminectomy (removal of any bone spurs surrounding the vertebrae).
Brain and spine specialist in hauzkhas
By removing the pressure on your spine, a cervical discectomy may provide long-term neck pain relief. Depending on your symptoms and their underlying cause, your spine surgeon also may suggest an artificial disc replacement or cervical spinal fusion.
Brain and spine specialist in hauzkhas
A lumbar discectomy may be performed when symptoms result from additional pressure on the spine due to the herniation of one or more lumbar discs. During this procedure, an opening is made in your spine to access the damaged disc. The disc, or portions of it, will then be removed.
Brain and spine specialist in hauzkhas
The goal of any discectomy is to relieve spinal pressure and reduce the symptoms of disc herniation, such as leg pain, muscle weakness or numbness. Depending on your situation, your surgeon also may perform a laminectomy, laminotomy or lumbar fusion so you can more easily complete daily tasks and enjoy a more active lifestyle.