Let's look at Argos Phase One's mechanics
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cuyuay36612 cuyuay36612
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Jul 05, 2022
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Lost Ark: Argos Phase One Abyss Raid Guide
It's not a secret that Lost Ark's combat is among the most effective within the MMORPG genre and its content for groups illustrates this very well. The very first Abyss raid, Argos which is an eight-man , triple-phased raid, with each phase requiring progressively higher level of item to be able to enter. It's similar to an extended guardian raid that is split into three phases that each take approximately the same amount of time as a normal guardian raid.
You can take part in the Abyss Raid once a week per character in order to collect delicious loot, specifically "Argos Blood" which can be used to create two distinct Legendary sets, with a attractive set bonuses at two and five items. Let's look at Argos Phase One's mechanics.
When this level of item is reached and you've reached it, you'll receive an instruction quest to unlock Abyss Raids which is super simple to complete, and then you're ready. You can queue up with a pre-made group of eight players , or simply select "matchmaking" to allow the game to find the right group for you.
Although Argos has plenty of common mechanics, his most powerful are his unique moon and sun mechanics. When you begin the battle the eight-man team that is already divided into two groups of four members, will be assigned the moon and sun affixes by Argos. One group will be assigned moon and the other one, sun. This is the most essential aspect of this period, so be aware of which you are using for your affix.
If you're sun, there's an orange-golden circle below you, and you'll be able to comfortably stand in Argos sun's abilities Cheapest Lost Ark Gold. If you're moon, there's an icon of purple beneath your feet, and you'll be able to be seated in Argos' moon's abilities.