When looking for a safety certificate provider, a lot of people get caught out spending more than they have to by not properly researching their local roadworthy assessors. To save you the guesswork, we’ve put together a few things to look for before you book!
A roadworthy assessor should be a qualified and licensed mechanic with accreditation to perform roadworthy assessments. Depending on their accreditation a roadworthy inspector will be licensed to assess certain types of vehicles, but not ALL. When you’re searching for a local roadworthy assessor, it’s worthwhile typing in your vehicle type too, that way you can be sure you’re on the right track! At Totally Mobile Roadworthy, we have roadworthy assessors accredited to cover all vehicles from motorbikes and mopeds to 16-tonne GMV trucks and trailers (and everything in between!).
Unfortunately, when it comes to roadworthy inspections, not all assessors are the same. This is largely because many assessors either refer or work at mechanical workshops, meaning it can sometimes be tough to get an un-biased roadworthy inspection. Because no one wants to be caught out paying for costly and unnecessary repairs, we strongly recommend asking around among friends and family to see if they know of or have used a trusted assessor.
No luck getting a recommendation? A safe bet is always finding a roadworthy service like Totally Mobile Roadworthy that does not offer repairs or have affiliations with mechanical workshops or spare parts shops. This is an easy way to guarantee that you’re getting a more genuine service.
Ian Baker is the heart behind Totally Mobile Roadworthy and a true and trusted Sunshines Coast local who has a strong reputation within the community for his genuine service. With a love for virtually any motor on wheels, when it comes to his work it’s all about providing an honest and transparent service. With many years of experience, Ian is always delighted to share his knowledge and understanding with you – so when it comes time to find a Safety Certificate provider on The Sunshine Coast, it’s hard to beat Ian Baker and the team at Totally Mobile Roadworthy.
If you’re struggling to find a roadworthy service that has a strong local reputation, a great place to look is the reviews! You’ll get a very unbiased sense of the business and quality of the staff by looking at the business’ Google reviews or Facebook reviews. If you live on The Sunshine Coast and trying to decide on a Safety Certificate provider, you can check out some of our customer reviews on Google and Facebook!
At Totally Mobile Roadworthy we aim to stay competitive on our price while still offering a superior service that won’t see you spending money on unnecessary repairs! Because our service is both convenient (to-your-door service) and transparent, you’re likely to save yourself time (that’s a guarantee!) and money by choosing our independent mobile roadworthy service!
Can’t transport your unregistered vehicle? Or maybe your car is parked at work all day… No problem – we’ll come to you! At Totally Mobile Roadworthy, our service spans the entire Sunshine Coast region from Noosa to Caloundra and into The Hinterland. Nothing is too difficult and we can assess your vehicle wherever is most convenient to you, at a time that suits you! If you need a home visit but feel uneasy about having trades come to your home, it might help to know that all our assessors have been vetted with a criminal history check for your peace of mind. So if you’re chasing a truly hassle-free and genuine roadworthy service, Totally Mobile Roadworthy is your team.
Need to book a roadworthy assessment? Get in touch – P. 0467 777 144
Source URL: https://totallymobileroadworthy.com.au/blog/mechanics/what-to-look-for-when-booking-a-roadworthy-inspection/