The thing with arch is not that it is just lore in stories
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Nanlina chen
Posted On :
May 26, 2020
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The thing with arch is not that it is just lore in stories
- Idk what im I think I wish the aspects of RuneScape were in captivating and depth, because I feel like theres a huge portion of RuneScape I can't get into. wish that there were more actions like that for different skills, more interesting, and sulliusceps are one example that I enjoyed afk skilling activities.As soon as we get Slayer articles, how about a Slayer event? GWD3, how about a winrsgold event that rewards you for bossing or performing bounties (if that feature yields from GWD2), may offer Skilling stuff for Skillers to do to help factions or whatever. Much like Yak Track, Yak Track is too repetitive to keep returning as is, it needs a persistent revamp and rebalancing of these tasks, and linking it in the present updates would improve that farther. Idk how exactly I feel about more DXP, I enjoy the hype of this community which gets involved (even the toxicity of W2 regions ) and more if that would be fine, but that could also encourage gamers to only play during DXP making RuneScape feel deader if DXP isn't live.
I am actually fine with all the growth version, so long as they're transparent about it. It is the method to get back players into RuneScape. If they're interesting, engaging, and sense fun, then by all means. I saw someone mention Menaphos down, and I think it shows we can have positive and negative types of expansions. They're setting Archaeology because their basis for future content, so perhaps we will see it done now, possibly not. Now, they proceeded in a favorable direction and I wish to see them learn from this and continue to make good content. Waiting to see if they actually do or not.
The outfit thing that is feminine is a Jagex kind of problem where they have apparently self made it by reacting to an issue in a way that is ridcuolous. Like a couple of years ago individuals complained/were annoyed by the fact that frequently in an outfit group the male and female variants were essentially entirely different outfits rather than re-gendered variations of the same outfit with artibatarily different designs, colourings etc.. Then it appears like their"solution" to this was that they simply gave up on producing a female version whatsoever and stuck the one, typically male, model on all gamers.
Hearing you're currently working on incorporating lore and narrative into things moving forward is great. If we do not have quests we want this to be certain that the entire world continues to feel alive and evolving. Of what I liked so much about arch part is the way it felt like a blending of pursuit and ability. I personally don't see putting lore in as books to read being a substitute for actual quests. But then again, I despise how dark spirits convinced everybody it was cool to not tell a story, just make everybody read.
The thing with arch is not that it is just lore in stories. We must see a present day narrative grow in each digsite, explore new locations, see"cutscenes", we got to meet new characters and listen to their stories and also go speak to existing NPCs and hear more about these. What they did with arch IMO is although lore books aren't enough. Without really being classified as a pursuit because it is cheap RS gold what quests do.