MyWorldGo How effective is laser treatment for fungal nails?

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  • Posted By : suncoastpodiatry suncoastpodiatry
  • Posted On : Sep 20, 2022
  • Views : 99
  • Category : General
  • Description : Unsightly fungal toenails are common. The thick, white and crumbly toenail fungus can grow deeper and take a really long to treat.


  • Unsightly fungal toenails are common. The thick, white and crumbly toenail fungus  can grow deeper and take a really long to treat. If left untreated, fungal nail infections can develop can affect other toenails as well. Therefore, it is important to address the problem immediately and find a suitable treatment option.


    You can find plenty of over-the-counter treatment solutions for toenail fungus  like pills and ointments, but the most effective choice is laser fungal nail treatment.


    Laser therapy is the top-rated treatment choice for fungal nails due to its 80-90% success rate. In today’s post, we discuss what is included in laser therapy and what you can expect from this new and advanced treatment option.


    Laser treatment for fungal nail infections

    What causes fungal nails?

    Nail fungus is a common condition that affects people of all age groups. Research revealed that more than 10% of the Australian population is facing the embarrassment  unsightly fungal nail infections

    In some cases, toenail fungus is relatively harmless and merely a cosmetic problem. However timely treatment is still important as otherwise the infection may spread to the rest of the toes and can create havoc on the immune system.


    Fungal toenails occur when a person comes in direct contact with another infected person. The point of contact can be:

    • Swimming pool
    • Contaminated footwear
    • Soil or any damp areas


    Why laser treatment?

    There are multiple treatment options for treating foot fungus but laser is considered the most effective and convenient choice because:

    1. The dosage of antifungal pills has to be continued for at least 6-9 months to completely get rid of the infection. Consuming drugs for such a long period of time damages the liver and increases toxins in the body. Laser treatments for nail fungus do not have this side effect.
    2. There are certain anti-fungal nail solutions that you have to apply on the affected nailsregularly. This treatment option is also very slow and the success rate is only 50%.Laser Fungal Nail Treatment gets results faster and lasts longer than topical anti-fungal nail solutions.
    3. Some might consider opting for surgical removal of the affected nail that causes pain and discomfort. However, surgery is not a suitable choice for everyone and may not always be effective. Fungal nail laser treatment is a non-invasive treatment with a high success rate.
    4. Therefore, the most promising solution is laser therapy. In this, the heat generated from the laser beam is directed toward the affected nail. The pulse of energy effectively kills the fungus and healthy nail regrowth can be experienced quickly. In addition to thermal laser therapy a more advanced Lunula Laser or cold laser is available from podiatrists such as Suncoast Podiatry. This laser is suitable for patients who do not tolerate the heat from thermal lasers.


    What are the benefits of fungal nail laser treatment?

    Laser is preferred over other fungal nail treatments because of its higher efficacy. Apart from the highest success rate, this fungal nail treatment offers endless benefits.


    • No side effects: The risk of liver toxicity and increased microbial resistance that occurs with pills is not present in laser therapy.
    • No pain: Laser treatment is an absolutely comfortable treatment choice. With the cold laser fungal nail treatment, you won’t feel any heat, pain or discomfort.
    • Faster results: Antifungal pills and other over the counter solutions take months to get rid of the infection. Whereas, mild cases of fungal nails can be treated in just one session of laser therapy. In just a few months, you will observe full regrowth of a healthy nail.
    • Convenient: A rigorous regime of taking pills or applying creams can becomeoverwhelming when needed for longer durations. Laser therapy, on the other hand, is convenient as there is no need for daily application of creams. You would need 2-3 laser sessions 4 weeks apart for a typical infection
    • No recurrence: The risk of infection coming back is higher if you treat the infection with topical ointments or oral medicines. On the other hand, laser treatment effectively kills the germs and usually protects the nail bed from recurrence of infection.


    Is it going to be a painful session?

    There are two types of laser treatments available in Australia, i.e. thermal laser and cold laser.


    Most people prefer the cold laser which is also known as Lunula Laser. As the name suggests, the thermal laser emits pulses that generate heat, whereas the cold laser won’t produce heat. Those who can’t bear heat would find the cold laser treatment more suitable.


    Lunula Laser is a completely pain-free treatment option. After a half an hour long comfortable laser therapy session, you can get back to your routine work.


    Choose a Foot And Nail Clinic that offers cold laser treatment. It is absolutely pain-free and there is no downtime during the treatment. 


    Who is eligible for nail fungus laser treatment?

    In this treatment, laser energy is applied to the toenail. An adequate amount of laser pulses are emitted to make sure that the infection is killed entirely. Therefore, patients with peripheral neuropathy might need a complete assessment to ensure their eligibility for treatment.


    Laser therapy has no side effects and it is a pain-free solution suitable for everyone.Beforehand, the podiatrist will still discuss your entire medical history to make sure that laser is the best treatment choice for your toenails.


    Are there any complications of fungal nail laser treatment?

    There are no known side effects of treating fungal nails with laser treatment. Since it is a drug-free treatment, it is considered safe for everyone.


    Is it worth it?

    Pills have side effects, ointments have poor efficacy levels, and laser therapy is a convenient and fast-acting treatment. Therefore, it can be said that it is totally worth it. In just three months, healthy toenail regrowth can be observed with comfortable and highly effective cold laser therapy. Visit the link given below to contact a qualified Podiatrist on the Sunshine Coast for cold laser fungal nail treatment.