MyWorldGo How to Become a Self-Supporting Artist

Blog Information

  • Posted By : art and success
  • Posted On : Sep 27, 2022
  • Views : 128
  • Category : General
  • Description : A self-supporting artist is an artist who is first and foremost a businessperson. He or she starts their business as an artist and slowly grows it into a full-time job.


  • Who is a self-supporting artist?

    A self-supporting artist is an artist who is first and foremost a businessperson. He or she starts their business as an artist and slowly grows it into a full-time job.


    It's vital to note that when an artist reaches the point of self-sufficiency in their creative enterprise, they will have honed their personal color to the point where it may cause some significant adjustments in both their approach and initial vision.


    My journey toward a self-supporting cold wax acrylic painting artist

    My journey toward becoming a self-supporting artist is a distinctive true story about the struggles I went through when I started my career as a cold wax acrylic artist. I usually share in all my lessons with oil and cold wax artists, as well as those taking mixed media painting techniques acrylic.


    The mixed media painting techniques beginners have reported finding the story very inspiring, especially due to the confidence it gives them to psychologically prepare for the road ahead in their art careers.


    1. Creating what people wanted to buy

    I began my artistic career with the firm belief that I needed to sell my work. Making sales meant that I had to create what people wanted to buy rather than educate them to want to buy what I created. This was the first step toward becoming the self-supporting artist that I am today.


    1. Commitment and making of sacrifices

    Becoming a self-supporting artist requires hard work. That could take you on a pathway that gets you far away from those you love. You will find yourself working many long hours, and when you reap the rewards of your hard work, the payments get to everyone else first, but you.


    Youhave to be disciplined enough to pay your suppliers, show promoters, employees, etc. before you consider yourself. I got used to this because everyone I know always thinks I have the coolest job ever. They therefore give me no sympathy, which is why I push harder toward being continually self-supporting!


    1. Thought re-orientation

    Throughout my art career, I have consistently discovered that the demands of the market are ever changing. This is a reality that every artist must learn how to cope with. To be self-supporting, therefore, one should ensure that his or her style of working enables him or her to sell their art. That is only possible with constant re-orientation of thinking so as to come up with concepts to help create art that keeps customers buying and turns buyers into collectors.


    1. Learning not to sell oneself short

    The greatest mistake any artist can make is to sell himself or herself short. That usually happens when an artist lacks confidence in his or her abilities, lets his or her environment get in the way of his or her creativity, tries to fit into someone else’s profile of him or her, lets the opinions of other people direct him or her, and chases money by changing goals and who he or she is and is becoming. Learn to avoid these pitfalls to attain a self-supporting demeanor.


    1. Don’t get emotionally attached to your artworks

    To be a self-supporting artist, you should not get emotionally attached to some of the artwork that you create. You should know that every piece of art you create is for your clientele. Every product you create in your studio should be for a purpose. In the same breath, if you designed any artwork that didn’t sell, discontinue that type of artwork. In a nutshell, learn to have an emotional attachment to your journey and experience in your art career, not the things you create.


    1. Develop thick skin

    To engage sustainably in your art career, you should keep in mind that not everybody will appreciate your art. Some people will brutally tell you that art is useless. What you need to do in such circumstances is to learn from feedback and always strive to improve your artwork to the best of your ability. Furthermore, don’t take negative comments about your artwork personally. Negative comments don’t mean you are not talented. Keep the focus, no matter what.


    Need help to become a self-supporting artist?

    When I struggled with obstacles toward becoming a self-supporting artist, I didn’t know what to do. I took the negative comments that some clients made about my artwork very personally.


    I even decided to enroll in a course in mixed Mixed Media Acrylic techniques acrylic. It was during my classes with Art and Success that I learned how to work toward becoming a self-supporting artist, and as they say, the rest is now history!


    By checking the frequently asked questions on this page, you too can find out how you can be assisted to become a self-supporting artist. The page also provides you an opportunity to ask your questions or make enquiries about how you can be assisted to become a self-supporting artist.