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  • Posted By : hidden fence
  • Posted On : Oct 10, 2022
  • Views : 138
  • Category : General
  • Description : After reading a couple of blogs with titles like these, you will find out that conventional fencing is not going to work for an escape artist.


  • “Why does my cat keep running away?”

    “How to stop my cat from escaping?”

    “How to build a fail-proof fencing for my cat?


    After reading a couple of blogs with titles like these, you will find out that conventional fencing is not going to work for an escape artist.


    Cats are known for their irksome behaviour of always jumping and running away. No matter how unique your fence design is, the kitty will soon figure out a way to explore the world outside its home territory.  Therefore, most pet parents swear by the innovative solution of an electric cat fence, more correctly known as an electronic cat fence australia.


    The pet containment system works wonders for pets that are infamous for roaming in the neighbourhood. An electric (electronic) cat collar fence system comes with a collar receiver and a transmitter that sends a signal via a cable to train your pet.  The cable is buried under the ground and works best for yards and driveways. However, when you have to design territories inside your house, burying wires under the ground is definitely not a feasible option.


    An electronic or electric cat fencewireless system is best suited for indoor use. You can create pet free zones and keep your cat off-limits, such as the kitchen island, dining table, couch area or home office.



    How does a wireless cat fence work?

    As discussed above, a wired pet containment system has cables buried under the ground to send signals. A wireless invisible cat fence works on a similar principle, except you get a wireless transmitter. The portable containment system works on similar engineering principles to a wired fencing product.


    The transmitter comes with a signal field of 0 to 3 metres and can efficiently train your cat to keep its claws off the couch or your office files. Your cat wears a collar receiver that delivers audible warnings when it approaches the pet-free zone.

    There are various models available, in which you can use the same collar receiver for both indoor wireless systems and outdoor wired containment zones.


    How long does it take to create pet-free zones?

    When you DIY a cat fence barrierkeep one thing in mind - that training and consistency are essential. It takes weeks and sometimes even months to teach your cat about areas that are off-limits.


    When you use a wireless fence, you need to mark the perimeter with white flags. With adequate training, your cat learns to avoid entering areas which are delineated by a line of marker flags.


    To put it simply, wireless containment systems are equally efficient to wired fencing systems. Cats can be successfully trained to stay off-limits for both indoor and outdoor areas. Make sure to follow the training protocol and give adequate time for your cat to learn the new pet-free zones that you have created in your living room.


    Shop for invisible electric fence for cats from Hidden Fence. It is the largest dealer network of sophisticated training tools for both cats and dogs. Hidden Fence lets you build your own pet containment system from scratch. Visit the link given below to order a wired or wireless cat fence from Hidden Fence.