Why I am never buying another NBA 2K name again
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Nanlina chen
Posted On :
Aug 13, 2020
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Why I am never buying another NBA 2K name again
- It will be interesting what EA do games, especially FIFA, because its popular. I believe they would receive a lot more backlash than 2K if they took a course with FIFA. However, I do agree with your point that the games that are NBA 2K21 MT Coins non-hardcore could get away with more. We see that in terms of money and microtransactions. EA attempted something similar by limiting free gen updates of Madden towards the year's end and people were rightfully upset. I believe they could have been the first to raise their prices had they never gotten backlash for trades previously.
2K will get away with it because its 2K. Gotta understand, NBA 2K is one of those franchises that individuals who do not play games and video games, buy. People would buy a console and only purchase 2K and play with it the whole year. Odds are, and it is going to occur, they'll occur. 2K is just the one. People would be just as crazy if it had been the brand new Assassins Creed game that revealed the increase lol.
Personally, I don't have an issue doing this. I've friends who really play with sports games and they did not seem to care about the cost change. The folks up in arms about this are hardcore players who won't even get NBA 2K. I am also someone who doesn't care they they are charging for NBA 2K on next gen since I think if you're changing engines or anything important like that it is a brand new game and should be paid for.
Why I am never buying another NBA 2K name again
I'm done. There has been plenty but 2K20 is the last straw. Where to begin. 2K20 is a lousy game. There is absolutely 0 skill involved in matches. Either you and you take at a release that is terrible and a perfect release, respectively and it will not provide you a full-bar cartoon. Greening shots is all luck, seeing as bars exist. I do not feel pride, Once a shooter green. Whites move in. How can you get rewarded for having bad timing? It's disgusting.
What else? Do not get me started on paint shield. Post scorers reach at 100% contested no perspiration, post hooks. Guards run to the paint and post hook since it's better than taking a layup. Slashers hop-step out the ass and place 22 on my head since it's a simple feat to jump from 1 side of this paint into the other through my body like I am Casper the Ghost. Can we talk about cartoons? Ankle breakers are beyond stupid; the worst shield in the game could score with an ankle breaker on Buy NBA 2K21 MT a 2K League lockdown.