MyWorldGo What leads to itchy varicose veins?

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  • Posted By : Freddy Decker
  • Posted On : Nov 02, 2022
  • Comments : 1
  • Views : 178
  • Category : General
  • Description : Itching in veins occurs if the blood builds in the diseased vessels, it can leak into the skin and cause inflammation which supplies inadequate oxygen to the skin.


  • Itching in veins occurs if the blood builds in the diseased vessels, it can leak into the skin and cause inflammation which supplies inadequate oxygen to the skin. Mostly, if your varicose veins are itching, it is because of venous stasis dermatitis. 


    And then, the skin appears itchy and red in color and can be sore, and sometimes, they can excuse fluid or may bleed, leaving scars. 


    If not treated, this venous stasis dermatitis can worsen, and the itching can become severe.  

    The skin of your lower legs and feet can turn red and scaled. This disorder is even named stasis dermatitis or venous eczema.



    How to treat itchy varicose veins?


    What is a Vein Specialist Called? A vein surgeon is an expert doctor trained to conduct surgical procedures for removing varicose veins.


    If your veins are itchy, meet your doctor or visit a dermatologist or vein specialist to treat these prickling, itchy varicose veins. Treatments for itchy veins condition include:

    Medicated creams

    Some specialists will provide you with a corticosteroid or calcineurin inhibitor cream that can help lessen the inflammation in your legs and relieve the itchy veins.


    This medicine stops a chemical called histamine, which makes your skin itch.


    To treat the condition, your doctor will provide an antibiotic; if the sores on your varicose veins become infected with a bacterium. Ask your doctor about the application of the antibiotic and whether you can have the antibiotics by mouth or apply them directly to the sore.


    If the wound is open, the doctor will cover the open wound with a special covering that will help th wound to heal early. To reduce the swelling and improve blood circulation, your doctor may use compression stockings to ease the pain. 


    This is the last option to treat itchy veins. When other treatments do not result, the doctor treats the itchy veins with surgery. 



    Sclerotherapy is when the doctor injects a particular medication to cure the damaged veins, the injected chemical irritates the skin and vanishes the veins causing scar tissues to form, and those treated veins disappear. 


    After a few months, the damaged varicose veins fade away. Now the latest version of this remedy, doctors use foam to seal the veins.

    Laser treatment

    In this treatment, the doctors use intense light to treat varicose veins. Your doctor will advise you to take more than one treatment to treat the veins and remove them entirely from your legs. Do Spider Veins Come Back After Laser Treatment?
    Assuming this, the treatment will eventually remove all the veins, but it can't prevent the new ones from forming.

    Vein stripping and ligation

    In this procedure, the veins are tied off, and the doctor injects a small incision to remove the veins. Stripping of veins is mainly used when severe varicose veins occur. 




    You should talk to your doctor if you have a severe condition of varicose veins. Keep your body doing exercises daily to keep blood moving through your veins. 


    If you feel itchiness and other symptoms, you may consider a dermatologist or vein specialist (phlebologist) to treat them as soon as possible.


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