Public transport is preferred in cities due to reduced pollution and fewer emissions. Such vehicles are more fuel efficient many passengers can be accommodated in the vehicle avoiding traffic congestion. It is crucial as we see more mobility for people who aren't able to move or travel much. It helps free up time for the passengers, who can spend their travel time on other things. It is often one of the safest alternatives for traveling.
There is an increased preference now given to Bus Signal Priority that ensures the bus reaches on time and creates a fast, safe and reliable journey for all the passengers.
Understanding Bus Priority System –
Bus priority systems make way for buses at crossroads or junctions with controlled traffic signals by giving buses extended green lights or reducing the red-light time limit with the system.
Bus priority can be both passive or active and can be summarized as follows:
Earlier versions of priority solutions were often expensive and bulky and gave the little possibility to follow up if the priority worked reliably. With Bus signal priority, the user can give access to a steady stream of reliable statistics and data, allowing you to follow up and configure the prioritization to ensure it operates efficiently.
Benefits of bus and signal priority:
Get in Touch:
location: Manufactured By STC, Inc. 1201 W. Randolph St, McLeansboro, IL 62859
phone: Richard D’Alessandro: (214) 607–0100
Fax: (214) 607–0105