Varicocele is a medical condition that affects almost one in five men, causing mild or no symptoms. This is a very common cause of male infertility and often requires surgery.
More about varicoceles
Varicoceles affect 15% to 20% of all men and are usually painless but can sometimes cause aching testicles. The pain may come and go and usually occurs on the left side. In fewer cases, it sometimes also affects the right side scrotum or both sides due to communication between both testes. It rarely occurs on the right side only.
For painless varicocele surgery in Bhubaneswar, your doctor may recommend surgical treatment if the condition is painful and is impacting your life negatively. Under this process, the surgeon often clips or ties off the veins that are causing symptoms. The clips help stop blood from flowing through the affected veins, relieving you from pain.
Why should you not delay varicocele treatment?
Delaying varicoceles may lead a person to various severe consequences. The most significant of these is infertility. Prolonged varicocele condition affects sperm quality and quantity, causing infertility problems in men.
Moreover, a delayed varicocele treatment is associated with complications including metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and osteoporosis. It is critical to note that varicocele worsens with exercise, brisk activities, or even after standing for a prolonged duration.
What is varicocele surgery?
As varicocele can cause infertility, regardless of its grade whether small or large, it is crucial to get it treated. Varicocele is essentially treated by surgery known as varicocelectomy, which is a one-day procedure. The patient does not require a hospital stay and can go on the same day of surgery. For Surgery those people can get instant loan for medical emergency.
Varicocelectomy is performed by cutting or tying the abnormal veins in which blood pools. Usually, the incision made is 2-4 cm long, and the total operating time ranges from 30-40 minutes. The patient can leave the hospital the same day and return to light the next day of surgery, with few exceptions.
Procedures to treat varicocele surgery in Bhubaneswar
Depending on the severity of the problem and other factors, your doctor may suggest one of the following methods of surgery. Whether it is the success rate or complications, every aspect of surgery differs from the other. Due to the different surgery procedures, the cost of each method also differs significantly.
Is varicocele surgery covered under health insurance?
Most health insurance providers cover varicocele treatment expenses, whether it is done for an infertility problem or due to some other reasons. However, an insurance company can limit the coverage of surgery, especially when it is done to treat infertility. Moreover, some out-of-pocket expenses usually need to be done on your own.
If you are looking for varicocele surgery and struggling with a financial crunch, you can apply for financial assistance from GMoney. There are many advantages of taking financial medical assistance from GMoney.