Ubuntu, commonly known as Linux Ubuntu or GNU/Linux Ubuntu, is an open-source operating system widely used by users. Of course, Linux Ubuntu is widely used because of the advantages included in this operating system.
1. Open Source
GNU/Linux, including ubuntu 22.04, is a license-free (open-source) operating system. So everyone can use Linux without buying and licensing the operating system. Not only that, but users can also contribute to the development of Linux to make it better. This makes Linux scalable on a wide variety of other operating systems.
2. Vulnerable to viruses
Another advantage of Linux Ubuntu is that it is not vulnerable to viruses. This operating system includes administrative features that reduce the risk of virus infection. Users must first act as administrators before they can activate a particular program or write code.
3. Additional application with a relatively high degree of completion
This operating system has additional applications that are relatively complete when installed. If you are testing penetration, the programs you need may already be installed on tomcat9 ubuntu 22.04. Also, this operating system already has programs like office, multimedia and files.
4. Relatively complete control
If you are using Linux Ubuntu, don't worry about the driver not working properly. This operating system includes a wide and growing set of drivers. Don't worry if the installed driver doesn't work. The operating system can handle it.
5. The right software centre
Another advantage of this operating system is its decent software centre. Here you can easily and quickly install the application. Therefore, through this software centre, you can search for the application you need more quickly and precisely.
To run code in any programming language, you must prepare the necessary environment, such as code editors, interpreters, compilers and IDEs. JDK (Java Development Kit) is the complete environment for running Java code on any system.
Do you need a JVM, JRE or JDK?
JVM, JRE and JDK are different software packages that can run Java programs with different capabilities. Let's understand these terms to understand what it takes to install java in linux.
6. Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
7. Java Virtual Machine (JVM)