As time passes, digital commerce and distance contracting are normalized, but sometimes the user doubts the validity of the electronic signature. Even more so when he is aware that there are simple, advanced and qualified ones
Electronic and digital signature – are they same?
The electronic signature for word is a legal concept of acceptance of content, whose main objective is to attest to the will of the signatory. For its part, the digital signature is a cryptographic mechanism, an encryption and decryption technique that modifies the data of a document to make it unintelligible to an unauthorized recipient.

Awesome Sign forms part of the advanced and qualified electronic signature and guarantees the integrity of the data and the issuer's identity. Using the digital signature, the sender cannot deny that he has sent the signed message.
Documentation in PDF format is quite common in any company since this format has many advantages for specific purposes in publications shared on the Internet. Some of the benefits that PDF documentation can have are the following:
- The document's exact appearance is maintained and does not depend on the PC where it is reviewed. In other words, you do not depend on installing a PDF editing and creation program so they can be viewed correctly. You only need to have a PDF reader, of which there are several for free. Likewise, where you view the PDF, you do not need to have the fonts, and other printing characteristics saved so that the document can be seen as it was where it was created.
- Restricted access and privileges to modify the document for those who do not have editing rights over it. Edit pdf Google is very easy to use
- Cross-platform capability: it does not matter if the modification or edition is done in Windows, Mac OS X or Linux because the visual or printed result is always the same and is preserved in the PDF.
- High storage rate. A document in Word or PowerPoint format takes up several MB of space, when converted to PDF, is significantly reduced, commonly at a rate of 1-5 compared to the original size.
- The PDF is the ideal format for posting (office) documents on the web that you want to share so that edit pdf in Google docs can be viewed.
For these reasons, the PDF format is ideal for sending company publications such as quotes, product catalogues, services, worksheets, guides, etc.
- Adobe Acrobat: master program in the creation and edition of PDF but of high costs to which no SME can access.
- Adobe Reader: it is a free PDF viewer from Adobe. With it, you can view and print PDFs, although the consumption of resources is high for PCs with limited hardware.
- Nuance PDF Converter Professional: edit pdf in word is a good, lower-cost PDF creation and editing option to Acrobat. Its cost is accessible to an SME.
The print quality of the PDFs generated by these suites is always lower than that of the software designed for this purpose.