MyWorldGo 4 Steps to Creating a Winning Web Strategy

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  • Posted By : sophia allay
  • Posted On : Jan 12, 2023
  • Views : 82
  • Category : General
  • Description : so let's take a look at the four steps to create a winning web strategy so think about it a website for your company is basically something that you have to pay for but a website with a well-executed strategy behind it is something that will pay for itself



    To create a winning web strategy

     so let's take a look at the four steps to create a winning web strategy so think about it a website for your company is basically something that you have to pay for but a website with a well-executed strategy behind it is something that will pay for itself over and over again through new customer acquisition but that's only if you get it right a big mistake I see so many companies make is when they it's time to redo their website they start thinking the terms redesign and they'll contact a web designer who may or may not do any kind of real discovery work to get that strategy in place so the first step here is discovery you need to work with a web pro or web agency that really puts a premium on doing discovery not just for like one quick session either on talking two to three to four really intense sessions or they get to know everything about your business.

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     they need to really understand your goals your sales funnel where are you losing people in that sales funnel and they really need to understand a lot about your customers what are their internet habits what problems are they facing that you can help them with what would be their biggest objections to doing business with you and what will they ultimately base their decision on they also need to fully understand your competition as well as what kind of marketing efforts you've used in the past what works and what hasn't now step two builds on discovery and that's building out your customer personas so you really want to put a face to the people that are your biggest customers in your business so you're going to want to make actual on-paper customer profiles I like to include a picture general interests of your customers what do they do online how much do they make age gender as well as the average lifetime value of having this person as a customer step three is a digital marketing plan that targets these customer personas after all it doesn't really do much good to have a fully optimized website if nobody knows where to find you.


     so you really need to figure out where are your customers finding you online are they more likely to do a Google search or they may be not even aware of the problem exists you and you have to put it out in front of them we find the Facebook ads work really well in that case and step four is a conversion focused website so basically you're you've done the work to figure out where people are finding you to bring them to your site now you want to make it as easy and frictionless as possible for them to complete the desired action on your site whether that's to make a purchase pick up the phone or book a consultation I highly recommend working with a professional copywriter to get the messaging right because that's going to make a huge impact on their conversion rates now once you've got the messaging right you're going to want to make it as painless as possible for people to go through and make a purchase or whatever it is you want them to do so basically this comes down to a good user experience if you're if you have some kind of a forum you need people to fill out it helps to not ask for anything extraneous that you don't actually need the more questions you ask the less likely people are to actually fill out