MyWorldGo What Should I Do If My Stitch Is Twisted?

Blog Information

  • Posted By : Lantern Moon
  • Posted On : Feb 13, 2023
  • Views : 191
  • Category : General
  • Description : In knitting, twisted stitches are ones that do not sit properly on the knitting needles. There are two types of twisted stitches, the kind you make by accident and the kind that you create on purpose.
  • Location : United States


  • In knitting, twisted stitches are ones that do not sit properly on the knitting needles. There are two types of twisted stitches, the kind you make by accident and the kind that you create on purpose. If it’s a mistake it's best you correct it as soon as you notice or it will spoil the look of the finished patterns. There are some beautiful knitting stitch patterns where you're twisting stitches intentionally such as a twisted stockinette pattern. However, this blog is all about fixing the twisted stitch.

    Twisted stitches are a common mistake, especially among beginner knitters. This happens first when you knit into the wrong leg of your stitch. Secondly, when you wrap your yarn the wrong way. Third, when you put your stitches back on your needles after having taken them off. And, last for all the reasons. This can happen if you are working with a pair of single-pointed knitting needles or circulars for a flat project or going in rounds with double-pointed needles or versatile circulars. As for all other projects, knitting accessories such as stitch markers, repair hooks and finishing needles can assist you with smooth crafting.

    So, let's take a look at twisted knit stitches.

    Anatomy of a Knit Stitch and how they should ‘sit’ on your knitting needle

    When you look at your work (knitted fabric) from the knit side or the purl side or the right side (RS) or wrong side (WS), the right leg of each knit stitch should ‘sit’ in front or toward you and the left leg in the back, away from you. Whether you are knitting continental, English or other styles with any needle, you still might have a twisted stitch on hand.

    In the Western/English knitting technique, the right leg is also known as the ‘leading leg’ and is the stitch that you will knit and purl into while the left leg is known as the ‘trailing leg.” All your stitches must sit in this way unless you want to make it look otherwise.

    What are Twisted Stitches?

    Any stitch that is not sitting as we mentioned above is twisted. But unless you are instructed specifically to ‘knit into back leg’, then your pattern will assume that you will be knitting into the front, right leg.


    Prevention is the easiest way to fix any knitting mistake. To avoid twisted stitches always knit into the leading leg which in Western/English knitting is the right leg. Also whether you knit or purl, always wrap the yarn counterclockwise. Twisted knit stitches also happen when you pick a dropped stitch so always make sure that when the stitch is put back on the needle it is sitting properly.


    Like all knit errors, it is best to catch the twisted knit stitches as you are working them so that you can immediately fix them. Even if you notice the twisted stitch after a few rows or rounds you need not be disheartened.

    The Fix

    In knitting, there is a fix for all mistakes. If you catch your twisted stitches while knitting them, simply turn them so that they are sitting correctly. If you find them later, mark the twisted stitch with a stitch marker and you can do any of the following.

    Drop Down (A Forced Dropped Stitch)

    Make a forced dropped stitch and put it back on the needle carefully. Be careful to drop the stitch that is twisted and no other. Before dropping it down make sure to use a lifeline to protect the other stitches. Follow the steps of fixing a dropped stitch and put the twisted stitch correctly back on the needle. Use a repair hook to pick up the dropped stitch and put it correctly back on the knitting needle.


    A clever name, Tink is simply ‘knit’ spelt backward. It is simply unknitting. This a good cure if you are just a few stitches away from the twisted stitch. Insert your knitting needle into the stitch directly below and behind the stitch that you want to unknit. Pull the stitch off your working needle and onto your left needle. With your right hand, gently pull the yarn from the tinked stitch. Repeat until you have knit back to the twisted stitch and reseat the stitch so that it is sitting with the right leg in front. If you tink the stitches, closely follow the pattern so that you can get back to the right number of stitches. Tinking can be disastrous when you knit in rounds with double-pointed knitting needles or work the magic loop technique with any extra-length circular needle.


    If the name tink wasn’t already clever enough, the knitting connoisseurs decided ‘rip it, rip it’ sound stitches sound like a croaking frog. Hence the name ‘frogging’ for when we take our work off of the needles and just start ripping. Make sure to insert a lifeline to save your stitches. With frogging, the two biggest challenges are not going too far as you will have to need to knit them back and not twisting stitches again as you put them back on your needle.

    With this don’t be afraid of the twisted stitch. Quality knitting needles and accessories solve many of your craft woes; explore the Lantern Moon Collection for handcrafted knitting needles, crochet hooks, and accessories made from premium ebony wood.

    Happy Knitting!

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