MyWorldGo For rating FIFA 23 we'll make use of an easy 1-5 rating

Blog Information

  • Posted By : Nfkja sfas
  • Posted On : Apr 07, 2023
  • Views : 114
  • Category : General
  • Description : The best store to buy cheapest FUT 23 FIFA Coins on Stable supply, reasonable price & 7/24 online helpful, provide you the safest FIFA 23 Coins, have a happy time.


  • For the full list of the new features FUT 23 Coins, let's refer to the EA FIFA 23 site. For rating FIFA 23 we'll make use of an easy 1-5 rating with 5 being "great feature" while 1 is "why did EA take the time to even consider adding this?" If you want to read my complete review of FIFA 23 and its features, you can navigate here.

    The first item to be discussed today is the much-anticipated new Power Shot. The Power Shot is a shot that relies heavily on the skill of the shooter by incorporating an opportunity for risk and reward that lets you take on powerful shots that can be a threat to your opponent's goal.How you can perform Power Shots: LB/L1 + R1/RB/R1. and shoot while manually aiming

    When to use Power Shots Due to the fact that the animation takes quite a long time to unfold therefore, power shots should be used when you have sufficient time, space and resources to execute the command. Typically, any shot that you attempt to take within the 18-yard boundary is likely to be blocked if its path isn't well-defined as the trajectory typically is more flat in comparison to the finesse shots.

    Kudos thanks to EA for providing us with an entirely new shooting option with a special feature of the ability to aim manually. It's also good that you can turn off the annoying zoom-in sound that appears whenever the shot power is activated buy FIFA 23 Coins. Overall, this is an excellent addition to shooting.